By Anonymous - 26/10/2012 16:17 - Philippines - Makati

Today, I realized that my five-year-old daughters are deranged psychopaths, when one of them started screaming to get my attention while the other pulled the car door shut on my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 389
You deserved it 3 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually pretty smart for two five year olds! Well smart in a scary way, but still!

They figured since you didn't melt when they threw water on you a few weeks ago that they would just smash your fingers as a consolation prize..


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Look on the bright side OP, at least they use teamwork!

Zoh_Aubrey 8

Have kids they said. It'll be fun they said.

Whoever was to say that should be slapped. Repeatedly.

MagicGiraffe 12

52, and then the devil said "Let's put letters in math".

Minx108 12

1- there will still be casualties somewhere else

migi428 5

That's rude! They don't need to be put up for adoption just because they were trying to get their moms attention, I think mom needs to pay more attention to her kids.

Sounds like you've got a couple of sadists... Sounds like you had two of me! :-)

That's actually pretty smart for two five year olds! Well smart in a scary way, but still!

The reason why DocBastard is in that list is most likely because he would never say something like that so it makes no difference.

32- You would be surprised by how far a kiss-up would go.

Reminds me of a "G" rated version of an antichrist. Instead of murdering your nanny, you slam your dads fingers in the door.

They're out to get you now OP you shouldn't have told them no, to the toys they asked you to buy them.

LiesAndMischief 4

I'm sorry, but what's with the random comma...?

I didn't even notice that. I edited my comment and didn't take it out.

LiesAndMischief 4

Alright, I was just wondering because I couldn't help but read it with that awkward pause and it was bothering me. xD

Ya now that I read it I feel a little stupid.

How about good parenting and psychotherapy?

Angelrose2004 17

I think these kids have watched The Omen one too many times!

day624 14

You my friend, have a couple of sadistic daughters

They figured since you didn't melt when they threw water on you a few weeks ago that they would just smash your fingers as a consolation prize..

I bet we'll be seeing them in an episode of "Killer Kids" in a few years.