Stuck in the middle with you

By dadlife - 08/06/2021 04:01

Today, I heard my wife and daughter arguing. My wife took away my daughter's phone and laptop for being disrespectful. My daughter screamed, calling her mom a fat cow. My wife simply said, "Yeah, well you’re gonna look exactly like me when you grow up!" Now they’re both locked in rooms, crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 190
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you really need to back up your wife and definitely have a talk with your daughter snout respect. otherwise she will just get worse. good luck. p.s. maybe go out and get your wife a single rose and tell her you love her and think she's beautiful.

Jon Tessler 14

the wife might like that. depending on how old the daughter is, it is either punishment or creepy.


you really need to back up your wife and definitely have a talk with your daughter snout respect. otherwise she will just get worse. good luck. p.s. maybe go out and get your wife a single rose and tell her you love her and think she's beautiful.

Yummi_913 18

Yeah unless the daughter wasn't in the wrong. There ARE nasty, toxic, and hateful mothers out there. And they usually tend to take things from their children to exact dominance instead of sitting down and figuring out a solution to the situation like a level-headed adult. We don't know how this argument started but it's obvious NEITHER of them are acting mature.

since both of them are in their rooms crying it doesn't seem like it's something that happens often.

LMAOOO this is so adorably pathetic. Did you put them on time-out or something? 😂 What's next? Are you gonna reprimand both of them and withhold their allowance? Spank them? This is cute.

Jon Tessler 14

the wife might like that. depending on how old the daughter is, it is either punishment or creepy.

This is the first time I've heard an FML that doesn't include the poster at all and yet it still is a FML. Because two people you love had such a fit and you literally can't do anything about it.