By WaxOnWaxOff - 06/09/2012 21:50 - United States - Denver

Today, I realized that my boyfriend really does have a problem with my upper-lip hair. I woke up this morning to him ripping a wax strip off of my face. All he could say after I stopped shrieking was that he had hoped it wouldn't wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 437
You deserved it 9 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

Wax his eyebrows off while he's sleeping!

LiesAndMischief 4

20 - You know what? No, **** that. A girl doesn't have to shave, wax, whatever if she doesn't ******* want to. I don't care who you are, as long as you keep yourself clean, you should never be made to feel bad for having a little facial hair, leg hair, hair wherever. If you find yourself not attracted to such a person, then fine, but don't you DARE try to force your opinion onto someone else like that. That is such an inexcusable invasion of personal space, seriously.


Icyghost17 10

Have to ask, how did you not notice him smearing hot wax on your face? That would have woken me up.

Inciter 33

Wow, that's pretty messed up.

captainburke 5

Aw he just didn't want you to feel insecure about it

Your fault for not waxing your lip. I mean if it's THAT hairy, it's sort of gross to just leave it. Your boyfriend has the wrong approach, he should have just talked to you but still, shave your lip!

3pi 6

If I was in ur place, I would of definitely wax his eyebrows off while sleep then dump him immediately when he wakes up.

spiritfang11237 16

So he couldn't have mentioned to her that it bothered him? I am a bit confused as to why he kept quiet about it. If it bothered him enough to try to wax it off her while she was sleeping, then shouldn't the thought of mentioning it to her crossed his mind?

Ninja3131 0

I dont like girls with facial hair id have a problem to no offence!!

Caliborn_06 11

Maybe you should have thought about doing that before he took matters in his own hands.

I have a slight mustache as well, but mostly blonde hair and only visible in certain light. My bf loves teasing me about it, and sure I've thought about getting rid of it - but it shouldn't be a big deal, and waxing is a big no-no because the hairs will come back darker, and is that really what we/our bfs want?