Harry Potter and the Tree of Nothing

By fuck Harry Potter! - 28/03/2022 06:00

Today, my boyfriend and I had the worst fight of our relationship, and I’m not sure we’re going to make it. Why? Because out of all his hobbies and interests that I’ve happily joined in on, I said I had no interest in Harry Potter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 088
You deserved it 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Harry Potter sucks. The writing is mediocre, the characters are bland and/or stereotypes. The world building can be found in any number of magic based young adult books. The writer herself is a huge ******* bigot and super problematic, too. So there's no reason for anyone to still be so invested in Harry Potter. Really embarrassing, actually. If he can't get over you not being into Harry Potter, just go. Leave that man in the dust.

The trigger of a fight is often not the reason for the fight. Having such a big fight over harry potter means there are underlining issues that was ignored. If you find what those issues are, you might not only make it, but grow stronger together.


The trigger of a fight is often not the reason for the fight. Having such a big fight over harry potter means there are underlining issues that was ignored. If you find what those issues are, you might not only make it, but grow stronger together.

Harry Potter sucks. The writing is mediocre, the characters are bland and/or stereotypes. The world building can be found in any number of magic based young adult books. The writer herself is a huge ******* bigot and super problematic, too. So there's no reason for anyone to still be so invested in Harry Potter. Really embarrassing, actually. If he can't get over you not being into Harry Potter, just go. Leave that man in the dust.