By Anonymous - 06/09/2012 22:21 - Australia - Queanbeyan

Today, my mum found out she's pregnant. I would be happy for her, if she knew who the father was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 272
You deserved it 2 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JOcoco 14

35 - it needs a meddling Asian lady first

hopsinlove17 26

Poor you:( your mom really needs to act her age and set a good example. That's embarrassing.

habibiiiiiii 2

It could be worse, my friends mom has 4 girls. Each with a different man she didn't know :/

72- Honey boo boo's mom could never get 4 men to have children with her. I'm honestly surprised she got 1...

Trisha_aus 15

I'm a bit curious..who is this honey boo boo? A cartoon character perhaps? ..And what exactly is wrong with her mum?

KiwiExchange 16

Damn it, now how is she gonna get that child support?

97- Honey Boo Boo is a little girl that does pageants, and was on Toddlers and Tiaras. Viewers enjoyed her episode so much she ended up with her own show called Here Comes Honey Boo Boo...her family is made up of a bunch of slobs and rednecks, and her mom is about 300 pounds and not the prettiest woman ever so that's why they mentioned her.

r_bruce69 19

that's so irresponsible. those girl's must be a little ****** up?

JocelynKaulitz 28

Looks like we'll be seeing you guys on the Maury show. "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!!"

YouTube Honey Boo Boo to view the craziness

108 - People ENJOYED her episode? That show is awful enough but that girl is so irritating, and they give her her own show and make her 400 pound mom rich...

luvlifeyolo 1
xxvwarrior 0

Well if she doesn't have a clue who the father is my guess it would be more like, you're not the father! You're not the father! And so on.

Bonzer 2

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I think OP was was trying to say that his/her mom wasn't acting her age by sleeping with somebody she barely knew and getting preggers by accident. That's why he/she isn't happy for her.

With_Love929 3

Would you be happy if your mother, your supposed "role model" , was sleeping around and being slutty?

I agree. How you gonna be disrespectful to your own mother? And don't forget OP that little baby is your new sibling, I doubt you're going to feel so unhappy about it when you meet the little bundle of joy.

Are you forgetting the fact that OP's mom had a (possibly more?)one night stand with some random guy?

Oh yeah, because sleeping around is only meant for young people, or you are not "acting your age"....sounds like someone needs to grow up a little.

Well #59, there's this little thing called responsibility. I doubt you've heard of it...

59, sleeping around and getting pregnant without any idea who the father is is wrong for all ages, but one would expect that wisdom would come with age

I think op is unhappy that mom is a ****.

thiscrazything 1

Who are we to judge? We have no idea what the circumstances are. Best of luck to you, OP, and your mom.

rachelita2107 5

Well people young or old shouldn't be sleeping around to the point that they don't even know who fathered their child. Its not the unborn childs fault though. The mother was irresponsible.

I wouldn't be proud. I'd be humiliated. That makes the family look bad and we all know it. Any of those girls that end up on Muray with the caption saying "she slept with 60 men and hopes deshaun is the father" do not have family members that are proud she was pregnant. They welcome the sibling but they aren't proud. I'm not saying OP's mom slept with that many men, but it doesn't look good she can't pin a man to the time. Now if it's different circumstance lets say date rape, this probably shouldn't be an fml and op should comfort their mother rather than implying she slept around.

makeupjunkie 5

Well you have to look at it this way, if you were pregnant with a bastard child (I'm being literal) then you might be a bit devastated yourself. So who knows, maybe her mother isn't happy about the whole ordeal either.

carminecris89 13

-2 Just because a baby is on the way doesn't mean you have to be happy for someone. This baby could have a terrible life with such an irresponsible mom or if op still has to live at home for a few more years op might be stuck caring for the baby and helping out, or money might be way tighter so quality of life for mom and op goes down significantly. There's a ton of reasons why there is nothing wrong with not feeling congratulations are in order. I wouldn't congratulate someone who got knocked up because they whored around town. -59 Sleeping around isn't okay for young people either. It's irresponsible. If you think one night stands are okay for anyone then you are the one who needs to grow up.

132- Implying someone is going to be an irresponsible mother because she made one mistake is a bit shortsighted. Obviously, she's doing the responsible thing by stepping up and being willing to owning up to it and keeping the baby. She could take the easy way out, but she's not.

How did you get all that based on the info provided? All it said was that she discovered she was pregnant and didn't know who the father was. There's nothing in there saying shes going to step up and raise the child properly, or let alone keep it.

Maybe Maury might be able to help your mom

guardiangel04 3
BunchieRules 31

For anyone who didn't get 19's comment, that's his name. Sorry 19, you're not the Maury we're looking for.

makeupjunkie 5

He didn't deserve to be thumbed down lol

AClassActx3 7

Darn, I was just thinking of commenting this! so true though. Even though the child will be scared for LIFE for being the child on Maury & their mother didnt know who the daddy was.

Sucks to be your soon to be half brother/sister.

With_Love929 3

It might not even be half she could've slept with her daughter's father too. Possibilities.

DarkDaedalus009 8

I think Maury would be more appropriate in this instance. But both of those shows are embarrassing for the people involved

mnfer 7

Apparently it's not embarassing enough for them to stop going on the show.

hopsinlove17 26

6- they're on that show because of their actions. The situations they put themselves in is embarrassing.

habibiiiiiii 2

Yeah unless the father turned out to be her bf, this is a Maury moment

coughyochick 7

Your mom still sleeps around like that? Good god, she needs help

If that's the case then I need help! Bow chicka wow wow... Dammit. Who'm I kidding.

It doesnt say how old OP's mom is so people need to stop saying shes STILL doing it when she could only be like late 20's

7 - why are you so judgemental ? Let people live their own sexual life. If she's happy, I suggest she continues.

^You can't be serious. If she continues, she might end up popping out a child every year and succumb to STDs.

111, do some basic math. Even a young FML user would be early teens, 12 or 13, so her mum would have had to have been 17 at the oldest to have had her to be in her late 20's now. So it's not very likely that is the case.

118- Being a mother she can't only focus on what makes her happy. The choices she makes affect her children too. When you have the privilege and responsibility of being a mother, you need to do things that will make yourself happy, and your children happy.

wubbazugg 5

What's wrong with having a healthy sex drive? Not a damn thing!

125 well I'm 15 and my mom is only 30 so if OP is 12,13 then she could be

Look at the bright least you'll have a new sis or bro :D

Well she could always get an abortion if it is early enough in the pregnancy.

makeupjunkie 5

That really sucks, whose your daddy?

gmc_blossom 21
makeupjunkie 5

I don't think I'd like to give strangers the name of my baby.