Black Lives Matter

By jack1057 - 14/07/2020 05:01

Today, I was on my way home and there were BLM protestors, who I have no problem with, but my car was parked where they were and I had to sit there for three hours until they left so I could drive off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 571
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm, tapping one on the shoulder and asking them to move?

Yummi_913 18

Asking them to move has unfortunately gotten people violently attacked. Whether asked nicely or not.


You should have stayed and protested with them and become "woke." Although I don't know how the Bureau of Land Management figures into this.

Ummm, tapping one on the shoulder and asking them to move?

TinScarecrow 15

The whole point of a protest that blocks vehicles *is* the inconvienance. Asking them to please move would probably not have good results

Then that's the protestors problem. If I'm being blocked in, I'd have 0 problem asking them to shove off for a few minutes. Even if I have to use the horn to get their attention.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

....... do you understand what a protest is?

Yes, do you understand what having no patience is? I'm not going to be forcibly confined to a parking space just because some protesters (whose movement I support BTW) decided in their infinite wisdom to protest near parked cars.

Yummi_913 18

Asking them to move has unfortunately gotten people violently attacked. Whether asked nicely or not.

ojoRojo 27

Now imagine feeling held back like that all the time

TinScarecrow 15

Exaggerate much? Nobody has people constantly literally standing in their face and chanting. It is not even close to a similar feeling

ojoRojo 27

TinScarecrow you’re right, the feeling of your people being oppressed for centuries is much, much worse.

TinScarecrow 15

So now you claim to feel your ancestor's oppression on top of your own? Neat trick. Maybe stop doing it? It doesn't seem very productive

bloopaloop 27

He never claimed to be oppressed. It’s ok to not be oppressed, red eyes.

JillianJuneBug 39

Nobody is that oppressed in America anymore. Give me a break.

ojoRojo 27

Bloopaloop I know he didn’t say he’s oppressed, I’m saying that Black people are. JillianJuneBug I’ll listen to BIPOC for their opinions on that.

bloopaloop 27

The supposed cause is great, but it’s turned a competition of who hates the most.

TinScarecrow 15

It's that old "We're on the good side so EVERYTHING we do is justified" mentality. Every group with no self awareness has had this mentality at one point or another

galvinizd 7

You don't have a problem with a marxist organization who want to Defund the Police, abolish the Constitution, and don't believe in the patriarchal family? Ya... FYL.

Run 'em over! 50 points each! :D Just kidding, but if they started damaging your car, that's probably considered vandalism in some way so you could call the cops then.