By WaxOnWaxOff - 06/09/2012 21:50 - United States - Denver

Today, I realized that my boyfriend really does have a problem with my upper-lip hair. I woke up this morning to him ripping a wax strip off of my face. All he could say after I stopped shrieking was that he had hoped it wouldn't wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 437
You deserved it 9 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

Wax his eyebrows off while he's sleeping!

LiesAndMischief 4

20 - You know what? No, **** that. A girl doesn't have to shave, wax, whatever if she doesn't ******* want to. I don't care who you are, as long as you keep yourself clean, you should never be made to feel bad for having a little facial hair, leg hair, hair wherever. If you find yourself not attracted to such a person, then fine, but don't you DARE try to force your opinion onto someone else like that. That is such an inexcusable invasion of personal space, seriously.


mndlssphnx 10

That should probably give you a hint that you need a new damn boyfriend. One with a higher IQ than a stick.

Sorry OP but lip-hair on a female is disgusting. Sure, he shouldn't have tried to attack you with a wax strip while you're asleep... but on the other hand, how long have you had this hairy upper-lip, and how long has it bothered him? He could have become sick of the fact that his girlfriend has facial hair and just left you. Thinking that pulling something adhesive from your skin while your asleep wouldn't wake you, is silly.

Mearemoi 14

Well, if he was so bothered by it, why didn't he just ask OP to shave/wax it off herself? That's a lot more of a logical idea than waxing it himself.

gashing 2

See i think u hav 1 of the most valid comments ok so yez he iz a dumbass for thinking its ok to wax her but cum on there are just unwritten standards for men an women that normal ppl who like to attract the opisit sex abide by an thaz just the way it iz an i doubt its ever gona change

Christ that must have sucked... If you don't do it right, you can bruise etc... Well, your boyfriend is an idiot, so fyl.

trippythehippy 6

Wow... Well from a straight male perspective, I dont wanna kiss Yosemite Sam either. So be happy he tried instead of dumping/cheating. Not nice, but nicer. And here come the down votes

Why is everyone assuming she had a really obvious mustache? It could have been that it was more noticeable to him than to her. I'm sure if it was noticeable enough to bother her, she would have done something about it. And if it bothered him so much, why didn't he just man up and say so rather than attacking her with hot wax while she was asleep and assuming she wouldn't notice?

trippythehippy 6

Ahh good question... But in turn why do you assume he didn't tell her it bothered him?

pinksnowflake 2

Awe, OP, I'm sorry. That was a really shitty thing for him to do. I can't imagine how terrifying it must have been to be woken up by that sudden pain. He's an insensitive idiot and he owes you a serious apology. If it bothers you, try bleaching. That might be enough to make it unnoticeable. But don't let yourself be self-conscious around him because of a little hair. I'm sure he's not exactly perfect himself.

salamq 6

Seriously now! She should ******* wax/shave her hair! If we girls don't like dating guys with mustache, how do you expect them to feel about their girl having one? If my boyfriend ever grows out a mustache, I would make him shave it all off. It has nothing to do with loving your partner or accepting them the way they are but a mustache is pretty gross, especially if you like to get a little wild with your partner! You don't want that hair to get in the way :) I will never dump a girl for that if I was a man but I certaintly would do anything to get those hairs off!

Mearemoi 14

Wow, rude. Don't generalize the whole female population. Not every girl hates men with mustaches.

3pi 6

Can u explain how hair gets in the way of getting wild? I would of thumbed u down more than once if I could.

Personally, I love my boyfriend's beard. :D It's so manly.

There's no reason to assume OP's upper lip hair is excessive. Everyone has it, but some guys don't notice until they get a girlfriend and get really close to her face. OP's boyfriend certainly gives the impression of being stupid enough to be one of them... I can't believe only one person before me has suggested that you dump him. That was incredibly disrespectful, and if he has the nerve to pull something like that, he is probably disrespectful in other areas as well.

Just for the record , not all girls have mustaches, you should wax it or keep it shaved for your boyfriend