By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 05:20 - United States

Today, I realized that I'll have to explain to my child that mommy and daddy met on World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 181
You deserved it 53 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's kind of cute? nerdy, yeah. but not terrible.

so what? that's better than having to tell them you met in a bar. me and my fiancé met on wow purely by accident. if you find the person right for you who gives a shit how you met. what is important is that you met. if you're ashamed than that's your problem and you need to figure out why you care what other people think. if you are happy that is what is important. I wouldn't change a thing about me and my fiance's relationship because he is the love of my life.


that's a neat way of spelling your name. what nationality are you?

loudema 5

you guys are total losers and it sucks that a child has to have donkey parents like you to guide and educate them through life.

I'm sure your kid will be ok with that...

I fail to see why your life is ******, that's one of the best possible places to meet :D

Hey beuty! Lets become a couple that met in the FML comments! MmmmmYEAH!

Hey beauty! Lets become the couple who met in the FML comments. Yeah! :D

What's wrong with that?! I met my wonderful man on twitter who loves World of Warcraft! and got me addicted to it!!!

don't you know nerds rule the world? :)

if ur Gona play video games fine But for the love of god don't defend it that just makes u seem pathetic

Hey they are a lot more worst places you could meet someone.