By embarrassed much - 27/02/2016 03:14 - United States - Orlando

Today, I was talking to my new boss while on speakerphone. Then, my sister yelled for me, asking me to check whether she had a yeast infection or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 402
You deserved it 2 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like that's something you shouldn't have to check for your sister... FLY, OP. Especially if you're a guy.


I feel like that's something you shouldn't have to check for your sister... FLY, OP. Especially if you're a guy.

You said it twice #17/18 I see what you did there

Sorry guys; this was my first comment since the mobile update and when I pressed the submit button it didn't appear to be working, so in my frustration I got button happy and instead of submitting the comment and going back to the page it posted twice >_>

hoosiergirl94 31
CliffyB03 28

This is why you shouldn't talk on speaker phone. Expect the unexpected.

CheekyRaccoon 27
CliffyB03 28

Especially the Spanish Inquisition

I feel like this is a YDI if this is actually something that you would check for her but FML if she was trying to prank you while on the phone with your boss.

Um, can she not check something like that herself? Especially for something so intimate. It's really not that hard to see either, and you can generally feel something is wrong, they can hurt or itch. Sucks your boss heard, that's embarrassing, but it's probably pretty awkward for him to hear too. So I don't think he'd really want to bring any attention to it, and probably won't mention it.

mm12344 8

It may not have stopped this but if you're on an important business call you should tell everyone in the house not to disturb you real quick.

And also not have such calls on speakerphone.

megs925 16

You must be pretty close if you guys have that type of relationship.