By mc - 03/01/2009 02:12 - France

Today, my mother bought me some "biodegradable" tissues. Indeed, they melted… in my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 839
You deserved it 2 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'm no scientist, but i'm pretty sure paper is biodegradable... you know... being that's it's made from a plant.


i'm no scientist, but i'm pretty sure paper is biodegradable... you know... being that's it's made from a plant.

no paper is not's made from slot more than a plant and if it were then littering wouldn't be illegal

Throwing orange peels out a car window is littlering. I'm pretty sure orange peels are biodegradable too.

Paper is just plant. It's made from the pulp of wood

Paper is more than just the wood/plant material. In most cases they use chemicals such as bleach to get the texture right

How the **** is this an FML? Really. .. ?

ohhsnappitsme 15

She could've been sick with a cold or allergies and the tissues probably melted while blowing her nose in public...just saying.

or this person couldve been in the process of cleaning their ass after a massive/messy bowel movement... so fyl # 7 for not putting the information together and being able to draw a conclusion. oh yea, ydi mc... dummy

I think tissues r the last thing we should make biodegradible

shnibz101 0

Lol were can I get some that's a good prank

Damn! Your tissues melted. **** your life? I guess anyone would be completely ****** without tissues.

skullbashd 3

he probaly just jacked off **** in the tissue made it melt Ito his hands