By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47

Today, I put a tampon in. The string broke. I had to go to the hospital to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 956
You deserved it 7 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dynky 3

you couldn't just use your fingers? the string shouldn't really be necessary...

Oh dear. Maybe buy a better brand next time?


Fishfanatic 7

Seriously, it is NOT difficult to remove a tampon. Despite childish jokes, the ****** is not a vast bottomless pit that a tampon can get lost in, it will simply stop at the cervix ( it cannot go into the cervix or womb due to the tight ring of muscle holding the cervix shut ) . All the OP had to do was squat down and insert two fingers to catch the end of the tampon and pull it out gently. I won't say YDI because it was simply an accident and a crap tampon with a loose string, but seriously OP you should know the in's and out's of your own ****** by now, it's part of the basic biology of your own body.

thats ******* disgusting keep your dirty **** stuff to yourself ffs

domxxily 0

you obviously don't know what a tampon is. fail for trying to diss!

what?!? I thought they said it was impossible for the string to break?!?

livelaughlove131_fml 0

Bro, that's a girl, not a dude. (I think) And getting out a tampon is NOT like having a baby. Those muscles in question are ONLY used clench or give birth. THOSE are programmed into you. NOT just using them like 5,000,000 times a day. Unless you're a ****.

sizel1 0

you could have crapped it out ha ha

Fishfanatic 7

184 is blatantly a sheltered ******* 12 year old who has never seen a ****** and plainly does not know how they work.

glambert1998 0
DineshKarthikesu 0

That must have been... *puts glasses on*..... a bloody disaster.

cunningchick 1
Inspired22 11

This happened to me, actually, on my very first period ever. But why did you go to the hospital? What a waste of money! Just go to your family physician! It doesn't take a specialist to pull out a damn tampon!