By lalalasmiles06 - 04/09/2010 03:47

Today, I put a tampon in. The string broke. I had to go to the hospital to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 956
You deserved it 7 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dynky 3

you couldn't just use your fingers? the string shouldn't really be necessary...

Oh dear. Maybe buy a better brand next time?


I'm surprised some females posting here aren't dead from TSS. If you're inserting a tampon in that far its probably not working very well! Read the instructions, Darwin candidates.

Just call Tiger Woods. He'll help you out.

I feel really bad for her, that's sad, but some tampons don't even come with strings you just push them put of grab them, so there is a FYI for if that happens again

skateboy1097 0

Should have had some Chop-Sticks :P

FMLsOhilarious 6

Why is almost everyone being such an ass on here? Things happen. You guys don't have to be so mean.

I know right. Op was probably new to tampons and became nervous and tense when the string broke. Ydi's are not nessesary here. Pardon my spelling.

some of you chicks are nasty if u don't use tampons. pads r so unsanitary.

Pads aren't that bad. Sometimes they can irritate the skin but they are safer than tampons. You just shower everyday and clean off the blood and it's fine honestly. Tampons are the devil,pads for life.

nyssamr 0

EWW PADS ARE SICK!!!! there so just ew. i mean really tampons all the way!!!!

that happend to my sister once... she told me it sucked. I'll take her word for it