By Ms Yeins - 26/04/2019 14:00 - Belgium - Mechelen

Today, I was changing my tampon in a public toilet. When I threw away the used one and opened a new one, it turned out that it had no thread on it! I took another one out. Again, defective! It was the last one I had with me, and it was the second day of my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 183
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

Lots of toilet paper for a makeshift pad until you can get to the store on a break.

You can still use them without the thread girl. They actually make eco friendly ones that dont have threads.


bl3ur0z3 17

Lots of toilet paper for a makeshift pad until you can get to the store on a break.

You can still use them without the thread girl. They actually make eco friendly ones that dont have threads.

Hi. Man here. I don’t understand a single thing about this post. But I suspect it was a very bad thing.

How does this story end? You’re stringing us along, and that’s knot nice!

CoriCat 25

You can use tampons without a string. They make them like that. I know a lot of people don’t like them, but it’s better than nothing!

bloopaloop 27

As a horny old lady cashier grinned and said to me when using my credit card with a chip, “Stick it in and leave it!”

Yet another reason I prefer pads over tampons.

Uh. Hello. Have you never walked down a tampon isle? They purposely sell tampons without strings. The brand is O.B. It is NOT that difficult. It does NOT get stuck. And you do NOT need to “give childbirth” to get it out. My goodness people. God forbid you touch around your ******, just wash your hands afterwards.

Sounds like you might be a dude. O.B. definitely has strings. They are green and coiled at the base of the tampon inside the plastic cover. They don't use an applicator and are smaller to carry. That said, while removing tampons without strings is possible, it's often messy and not fun to attempt in work bathrooms because there will be blood on your hands.