By Anonymous - 01/04/2012 13:53 - Australia - Perth

Today, I offered an elderly man my seat on the train. He thanked me by winking and offering me a seat on his lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 570
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBoredGuy 1

That was very sweet of you. It's good to know some people still respect their elders. Now if only there were a way to tell which elders actually DESERVE that respect...


MrBoredGuy 1

OP, you should've pointed to your handbag, and then smacked him with it. Creepers deserve to get smacked.

fine then, if you wanna stand go ahead, I'll take that seat

blackheart24 10

Old people rock cuz they don't give a shit. They totally troll on purpose.

Marcella1016 31

Anyone else wondering if OP is male or female?

MBG, I feel like I should take offense. And I definitely take offense to Cad.

Haiana04 3

I think you should kindly let him know you have mace, Then pat him twice on his knee with a smile. =:)

Thatsssss a nice lap you got there... It would be a sssshame if sssomething were to happen to it...

Those are my favorite kind of old men... Creepers.

skullofdarkness 18

Hey, if you're gonna creep, do it with style- better than standing up behind her and rubbing on her... Still creepy though.

linkinpark98 23

This is where you walk away.... Walk slowly away.

KiddNYC1O 20

Slowly would add to the creepiness.

g_ayvel 11

Old people need loving too...

You slept with any old people lately ? thought not lol only jokin :)

g_ayvel 11

I was kinda joking lol he sounds really creepy for doing that

Aww I know , never for a second did i believe that you would lol

MargieDrury 1

"Wanna cookie?" says the old man.

You know that translates to "Want to cookie?", right?

MargieDrury 1

6 ~ You sound like one of those annoying people who say "Cool story, bro." every time they're wrong.

sensoon15 7

Take the offer! You don't want to be standing, do you?

C94_ 0

I agree. He could've been Santa. And since OP didn't sit he might be getting coal this year

That was very sweet of you. It's good to know some people still respect their elders. Now if only there were a way to tell which elders actually DESERVE that respect...

mzkay7 1

Awe what a nice old man xD lol