By meowmeow - 21/09/2010 04:38 - Australia

Today, I noticed my kitten was growling and twitching in his sleep. I tried to wake him up by gently prodding him. He responded by waking up and attacking my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 776
You deserved it 31 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What exactly made you think that was a good idea?

he's only a kitten. it couldn't of hurt that much anyway. so stop being a pussy, pun intended.


What exactly made you think that was a good idea?

******* dumbass. the kitten was having a nightmare. it is best if you let it sleep past it. when it wakes up it's not gonna remember and if you wake it in the middle of the nightmare he's gonna have trouble falling back asleep

ShadyFTW1 0

30 is obviously very emotional about kittens

ydi and who said it was a nightmare it could have been a good dream where it was the kitten's turn to chase a dog ;)

Today, I noticed a rabid bear was growling and twitching in his sleep. I tried to wake him up by gently prodding him. He responded by waking up and maiming me. FML Jesus OP, would you like to be woken up while you are sleeping?

twinny_sc 13

20 who's to say the kitty was having a nightmare? It could have been dreaming of being a ninja assassin kitty.

now there is inleast a lesson learned don't *** with sleeping cats expecially when there dreaming of endless kinds of fish

Chocolate_Chunk 2

a nightmare? It diddn't occur to you that maybe it was just dreaming about catching mice? @71: we all prefer to be woken up while we're not sleeping

liy223 6

poor thing was having a nice, primal dream about hunting wildebeest or something and you just went and woke him. it's no wonder he was upset... (or she.)

he's only a kitten. it couldn't of hurt that much anyway. so stop being a pussy, pun intended.

just putting it out there that their claws are slot sharper when they're kittens

christian50 0

CitrusGirl is correct, their claws are a lot sharper when their kittens, I have 7 of them.

nixibeast 0

#33 just like puppys with puppy teeth. kittens hurt a shitload more than adults

he's only a kitten. it couldn't of hurt that much anyway. so stop being a pussy, pun intended.

happykate120 0

aw you interupted his kitty dream. you should have just left him to claw your eyes out in his dreams instead of real life.

If you prodded him awake, I'd think he'd attack your hand, since that was closest. What did you do, put your face right up to his at the same time?

nah I think the cat just wanted to go in for the kill

happykate120 0

it twas a pretty hillarious comment though. your forgiven.

Don't wake sleepy kitty. Otherwise feel his furry wrath!'re a dumbass. How does it feel?