By tramp - 10/11/2013 05:51 - United States

Today, I met my brother's girlfriend. We got talking, and we got onto the subject of tattoos. I said how much I hated tramp stamps, and how they make girls look trashy. She said, "Like this?" and showed me hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 316
You deserved it 19 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mbusey 20

It's not like you knew she had one and you were saying that to hurt her feelings. Unless you were, in which case you're a dick

You have nothing to apologize for. They only serve as a **** target, as far as I'm concerned.


Huh. The comments here seem to imply "tramp stamp" is used now for any lower back tattoo rather than ones that specifically are sexual ornamentation or language... Weird. I thought there was a difference between getting a small image on your back and a human bumper sticker....

the classic tramp stamp, did you know it was invented as a way to work the same way a license plate on a car?, if you hit one from behind, you can later identify her.

Gladison94 1

Well, boo hoo for her. Your opinion shouldn't change just because your brother is dating a girl with that sort of tattoo. I think the same thing as you. All my cousins who have tramp stamps are, in fact, tramps.

Why is that spot labeled trashy? If she got that same tattoo somewhere else, it would be acceptable? I don't see anything wrong with a tattoo being there or anywhere as long as that person likes it.

Well if you're going to be as opinionated and judgmental as that, you're bound to end up in awkward situations. YDI.