Food for thought

By Anonymous - 10/08/2023 16:00

Today, in order to not upset my boss's autistic son who believes he is a chef, I had to choke down food that was both burnt and undercooked in the middle, contained way too much salt, and no other seasonings at all. I’m a real chef and I could feel my taste buds dying after eating that slop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 762
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the best sayings my grandma taught me years ago when somebody offers you something to eat that you don't want, you simply say" no thank you I'm not hungry or I feel a little under the weather maybe another time".

If you get violently ill (though I hope you don't), you can sue. Hopefully, he quits.


One of the best sayings my grandma taught me years ago when somebody offers you something to eat that you don't want, you simply say" no thank you I'm not hungry or I feel a little under the weather maybe another time".

You're a coward. If you're a "real" chef, you would have called out the garbage immediately.

If you get violently ill (though I hope you don't), you can sue. Hopefully, he quits.

Sue what? The child? It was his own decision to eat the food.

didn't say that the son was a child, also his boss might be an ass hat and op might have felt pressure to eat it.

Nothing at all wrong with salt as the only seasoning. The burnt thing, however, just don't eat it. It gives you cancer. That should be excuse enough to not eat it.

You get points for not wanting to upset the son. As a sneaky way 'round it, you could offer to teach him how to make a few dishes? You get points from your boss and get to eat actually edible food.