By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 04:19 - New Zealand

Today, after months of job searching I got a job interview. I also later got a phone call from the manager informing me they burned down, and all current employees will be relocated or dismissed, and that my interview, scheduled for tomorrow, is postponed indefinitely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 741
You deserved it 2 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now it saves you the trouble of having to light the place on fire when they don't hire you...think of it as a win.

looks like some of the employees got *sunglasses* fired YEEEAAAH!!!


rainbowdrive 5

Guess who needs to start job hunting. You will be ok.

That's a stupid question. Obviously he has been job hunting. Good day, sir.

iSitt 0

what they didn't tell you is that three of their employees took all the half cents rounded off in accounting and put them in a bank check which another employee found and stole then set fire to the place.

I guess the dude you were replacing wasn't going out like that.

well. look on the bright side. if you can find one.

I'll bet the guy who did it was sick of them taking his stapler.

Well now it saves you the trouble of having to light the place on fire when they don't hire you...think of it as a win.

zcknight 0

I've seen this Fml before....

shycricket 0

That really bites. Good luck finding a job! :)

Qluz 3

with a bad economy and this. im sorry op


seems as though they lied to you and just didn't wanna interview you. that must suck sorry op

Yeah thats what i thought the fml would be

schwancy 2

I believe your feelings about the cancelled job interview pale in comparison to how the owner feels about his incinerated business.

takeapieandrun 9

F the other employees lives, they were probably depending on that income.

shycricket 0

Well, I am sure they got relocated. At least I would hope so!