By Anonymous - 31/05/2011 11:21

Today, I'm too sunburned to masturbate. Now I have nothing to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 771
You deserved it 69 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tadeusz_fml 5

Get a hobby. Get help. Go do it now. Also, how did you sunburn your area or the palm of your hands?

DalPozzo13 10

Get a girlfriend, that will solve your problem


Tadeusz_fml 5

Get a hobby. Get help. Go do it now. Also, how did you sunburn your area or the palm of your hands?

He may have just sunburned a good portion of his body, making any movement painful. Btw, OP, you should take this opportunity to peel your skin but keep it all intact, so it's like a suit of dead skin!

futtbuck101 1

Should've used sunscreen instead of you know what

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's a boy

cummbubble 0

nothin better than tanning with a sock on your ****

jdengel 0

someone watches too much malcolm in the middle

getting a life or even a girlfriend would help

tittymagic 0

oh wow... use the inside of your elbow... works for me at least

swimchica22 0

did you burn your dick or your hands? hmmmm.......

get a life besides masturbating retard. no wonder u have no life...

MagicGiraffe 12

Then he could turn the skin into a bagpipe and he'd have so much fun playing it that it wouldn't matter that he fried his dick! (Or that he's playing a bagpipe made out of a dried penis skin....)

apparently so do you if you knew what he meant.

you kinda watch it too much if you actualy know wgat he is talking about.

why the hell did I get so many dislikes? so I'm guessing all the 26 people that disliked it probably ********** along with OP

smith2001 5

join a gang??? the burned ballas?

DalPozzo13 10

Get a girlfriend, that will solve your problem

1221jamw 11

you're only 15 the real whiteboy7thst can drink

xojessayox 4

42- kinda irrelevant dontcha think? lol.

xojessayox 4

42- kinda irrelevant dontcha think? lol.

70/73: Not really that irrelevant. I think he's enforcing the fact that inexperienced children shouldn't be giving sex/relationship advice. and if you are experienced with sex then you're a ***** who's brought shame to their family.

igotnolegs 1

42 - I remember that lad saying he was black :P

dude if OP can't 'love' themselves then how can anybody else 'love' them?

mthurston 14

That is true, when my junk gets sunburned my wife jerks me off with aloe vera and it feels amazing! Loljk I've never had sex and women won't go near me. :(

doctorxxSWAGG 0

Get some friends? Pick at the peeling skin? Not necessarily in that order.

itsmeyippie 0

if he has nothing to do and is sunburnt, my guess is he has no friends, and was swimming alone. If so, either suck it up or swim

Or to help him **********, because that seems to be his primary concern.

pinkandbluepsych 3

If you need to ********** that much... you really have no life.

hubla 0

maybe he produces a lot of semen and has to get rid of it because if he doesn't it hurts his balls or he is always hard

fmltiligothigh 0

Go find some friends. Masterbating isnt the only thing you can do thats fun.

AlwaySunny 0

At least ********** with friends..

you are not a man, you don't know what it's like..

yeah, you'll be able to buy awesome games on the PSN! ow wait...

or you could have a wonderful time paying for xbox live

You all say that as though the XboX has not been hacked before. It has been, many times. No damage was done because nothing useful was inside it.

47 who the hell even said anything about that you idiot and the hell do gamers get so mad at each other dude you all do the same thing sit on your ass and play video games ( don't get me wrong I do too)

xojessayox 4

57- the reason 47 said that is because 11 said "you could have a great time playing psn..oh wait.." because us psn members got hacked not too long ago and we were down for about 25 days. so 47 was saying to all the people that commented about xbox being better that they were implying that xbox never gor hacked before but it did. i think i recall it being down for two weeks a couple years ago. during christmas? i dunno but i hope i cleared that up for you and your hostile comment.

xojessayox 4

57- the reason 47 said that is because 11 said "you could have a great time playing psn..oh wait.." because us psn members got hacked not too long ago and we were down for about 25 days. so 47 was saying to all the people that commented about xbox being better that they were implying that xbox never gor hacked before but it did. i think i recall it being down for two weeks a couple years ago. during christmas? i dunno but i hope i cleared that up for you and your hostile comment.

xojessayox 4

and my apologies for the double post.

xojessayox 4

and my apologies for the double post.

PS3, Xbox, who cares? I own an Xbox but I have no issue with PS3s because I think gaming is gaming. Unless you think you're cooler than the person next to you because of your KD, or you're an 8 year old who whined until your mommy bought you your console. In which case you need to just calm down.

Damn it 8! Look at all the havoc you've caused! Fanboys (and girls) are pisssseeedd.

YourMomsFml 0

well then stop being a fuckn hypocrite!

I have a PS3 and an Xbox. I don't really get the whole rivalry. Playstation has been round for longer, it's probably what a lot of people played before xbox even existed. personally I prefer Xbox now, but nothing bet the PS2 or Sega Megadrive. :D Oh, and I'm a woman, and my boyfriend is the one who had to make me a sandwich.

I love how much controversy came about because of three words. Perhaps I was just giving OP an honest piece of advice to cure his woes. Woes of boredom.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

lmao, this made my day... is that a good thing?

ToxicxKitten 9
ToxicxKitten 9

Sorry, I don't have the greatest grammar.. ^^' But someone please explain to me what I did wrong in that sentence so I don't screw that up again. D:

ToxicxKitten 9

Oh wait, I noticed the typo there. Sorry, nevermind. DX

TaylorTotsYumm 10
shannon6 3

My thoughts exactly haha. I don't know nor do I think I want to know what parts of you are burned or how they got that way, but poor OP. Rub yourself down with aloe, drink lots of water, and sleep it off. And stay away from **** or you'll just be torturing yourself.

the minty refreshing kind too. it'll be like fire and ice condoms but for your hand

shannon6 3

Haha nice. Unless that reminds him of hot sex he had while using fire and ice condoms and then he gets a boner that can't be satisfied :( Quick, think about old grannies OP! Unless you're into that sort of thing...

lmfao^ im waiting to take my drug test and that almost made me piss my pants.

shannon6 3

;D Aw, don't pee your pants! That would def be FYL.