By Anonymous - 01/10/2010 09:45 - Canada

Today, I had to cancel my wedding because my fiancé is so hungover from his bachelor party, he's throwing up all over the place, can't stand up straight and is calling me by the stripper's name he met yesterday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 237
You deserved it 5 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Why would you get that drunk the night before an important event? Even on a bachelor/hen party, you shouldn't drink so much you get that ill. Or have it before the night before if you must drink that much.

mintcar 9

Completely unacceptable. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with drinking in moderation. He took it way too far.


Schizomaniac 24

He was trying to be first. He was unsuccessful.

Thats_Mclovin_2U 0

lololol if you think you look cool like that your wrong,lmfao!!!!

wow you guys need to shut the **** up, I was laughing at, I could careless if I was first or last, so s my d

Wow. Why would you get that drunk the night before an important event? Even on a bachelor/hen party, you shouldn't drink so much you get that ill. Or have it before the night before if you must drink that much.

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Elksy 0

Yeah, that is so irresponsible of her, not anticipating that her fiance would get so hopelessly shitfaced that he can't attend his own wedding! After all, all men are morons and it's the women's job to clean up after them! Seriously, do you get your notions of gender from laundry soap commercials or something?

Schizomaniac 24
JillianlikesVogu 0

No, they get it from the back of slice turkey labels, and, on occasion, little messages left in the crusts of bread.

Maybe not all men 16, but it is her fiancé so maybe she should have anticipated it. Plus, I would want my new husband to be wide awake and ready to go for the wedding night, so I would definitely have suggested having it a couple nights before the wedding.

RedPillSucks 31

Cracker Jack prizes have great relationship insight. Seriously, usually the bachelor party is planned by the "best man" and he usually doesn't consult the bride. It was just stupid on the grooms part to get so shit faced. He's probably having second thoughts about the wedding.

There are valid reasons to have those parties the night before the wedding. In Mr. Doe's case, his friends and groomsmen were both local and far-flung. The key people he wanted to celebrate with weren't gathered till the day before the wedding (which is often the case with weekend weddings), so they partied after the rehearsal. I could trust him and our mutual male friends to keep him from over-indulging, though-- his groomsmen would've kicked his ass had this happened! That being said, there's no valid reason for getting so wasted. I agree with RPS-- big red flag there. =

lionandthelamb61 9

Speak now, or hold your peace 'till 6 months from now...and you know how I don't like to say "I told you so"...

twilightdogstar 1

And this is why you have the wedding more than 12 hours later - who wants to say their vows when they feel like death? You should've held the stag night a week before.

lemoncows 2

ydi for allowing your husband to have the bachelor party the day before the wedding. should have done it at least 2 days before so he could recover from all the barf.