By NoValentine - 14/02/2009 22:49 - United States

Today, I realized the reason I was asked to babysit 3 weeks ago for Feb 14 was because the old married couple with kids safely assumed that I wouldn't have a Valentine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 595
You deserved it 3 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them to call me. I'll be free that day. It's my birthday. FML

At least you had something to distract you on valentines day.


At least you had something to distract you on valentines day.

stephy_fml 0
GreenChemicalBoy 0
Bucinka 5

YDI for referring to the couple as "old." If they have children in need of babysitting, how old could they be? 35? 40? The horror! Advanced age! G-d forbid you should ever get to be as superannuated (look it up) as that.

you must be trying not to use the lord's name in vain. but you're still an asswipe and sadly, will probably have to see me and the rest of us in Hell. G-d forbid.

One of my friends, who is thirteen, father is sixty.

emilyrosey 0

Aw. Well sucks for you. You'll find someone.

I hate valentines day... ok not hate but I never have a valentine either so your not alone. I'm not bad looking either.

starberries 0

Or, you know, they needed a babysitter and were asking if you were available.

Tell them to call me. I'll be free that day. It's my birthday. FML