By lifesucks4me - 23/02/2009 12:51 - United States

Today, I'm playing basketball with my little brother. After jokingly blocking his shot, he turns to me and says, "You're a bitch." He's 6. After I asked him where he heard that word, he responded with, "Daddy calls you that when you're not around." FML
I agree, your life sucks 160 989
You deserved it 13 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you a guy or a girl? it would be funnier if you were a guy.

Capybara 0

Like father like son, sadly. If this is true, your family has some serious issues.


Shshshar_ssscene 0

thats is harsh but my parent say it to my face for no reason

BabaBlackShirt 0

Well, ask your dad about it at dinner yet?

der_Jabberwhock 0

Ouch. The truth can hurt sometimes. I just hope it ain't the truth for your sake.

WOW. You must really be a bitch then :')

That's terrible. It sounds like it's time to have a talk with your father.

afarr 0

bye bye, bitch, see you in hell juvie!