Today, my seven-year-old niece gave me a birthday card. Only she'd spelled my name as ‘Jenny.’ When I told her it was spelled with an i instead of a y, she cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 1 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whi would iou do that to such a ioung chyld?

bleachedraven 14

I was just about to comment nice play on spelling lol


Lydmyers 9

she is little! give her a break.

Whi would iou do that to such a ioung chyld?

Ambrily 27
bleachedraven 14

I was just about to comment nice play on spelling lol

Marcella1016 31

I got the joke and liked it :)

Shes 7! My younger cousins still call me Barbie! One is 40 in August! You need to apologize

Maybe give her that correction on a different day, with more subtlety.

**** your niece's life. A child is going to forget some things and make some spelling mistakes. Count yourself lucky she got you a card at all ffs.