By lifesucks4me - 23/02/2009 12:51 - United States

Today, I'm playing basketball with my little brother. After jokingly blocking his shot, he turns to me and says, "You're a bitch." He's 6. After I asked him where he heard that word, he responded with, "Daddy calls you that when you're not around." FML
I agree, your life sucks 160 989
You deserved it 13 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you a guy or a girl? it would be funnier if you were a guy.

Capybara 0

Like father like son, sadly. If this is true, your family has some serious issues.


charlieskiki 0

Lol sorry that's really funny

My little brother doesn't go through oneday without saying that. He gets ticked off VERY easily...

highfived 1

Yet another case of bad parenting.

You should give him a pat on the bottom. :3

I agree with the Dad. Most girls are bitches until about 25 and then it equals out between the nice girls and bitches.

Sorry, but parents shouldn't say those things in front of their children. That's actually really stupid... Sorry...

Your dad shouldn't be given a child to raise