By NotALuckyGuy - 07/04/2015 16:19 - United States - Columbus

Today, I lost my virginity in a porta-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 032
You deserved it 47 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love how you say "fml" like you had no choice in the matter


annika16 5

She's worst then trashy she's just some random bitch who wants to be popular too but that's not happening now is it honey didn't think so my dear ~A

leogachi 15
emchege 8

did you also rip your stitches

Your a dude bitching about getting laid??? Dude all you should be saying is doesn't matter had sex

At my high school there were kids having sex in the porta-potty and they got caught.

The silver lining is: Now you have HIV.

foxmatrix15 8

I think Even the nastiest hooker would say you won.

Why would you do that? You need to have more respect for yourself.