By NotALuckyGuy - 07/04/2015 16:19 - United States - Columbus

Today, I lost my virginity in a porta-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 032
You deserved it 47 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love how you say "fml" like you had no choice in the matter


theflyingbrant 9
FMLworthy5000 21

I think the amazing part is that no one got splashed by used potty water or that it didn't tip over seeing as it's already hard enough to fit one person in there...

Sxylilhalfpint 20

You must have wanted it pretty badly to put up with that smell just so you could get laid. Lol. YDI

You should probably start looking for it ASAP. Not the best place to miss place something