By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 13:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I lied to my diary about my weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 179
You deserved it 51 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shithappens2memo 0

she's cheating on her diary with a sexy little journal.


jose18 3
sexylol_fml 4

Go on a diet? I can't help ya!

this is probably the funniest FML I've read :P

I'd do this:l after going on a diet:dear diary, sorry I lied to u on 4/25/2011, I'm not that thin, but I sure am now!

I've done that before don't worry. It's so that when you read it back you don't feel embarrassed.

it baffles me that people post FMLs like this that happened entirely through their own choice. if you're gonna complain that your life sucks afterwards, then why do it in the first place?

hubla 0

and you people from the u.k. always say Americans are fatties

Amanda452 0

That's kinda sad.. If you feel you need to lose weight, you should get the zumba dvds.. my mom ordered them and they're really fun and you can definitly feel your abs burning

someone PLEASE tell me how this made FML