By ThunderThighs - 23/07/2014 23:24 - United States - Flemington

Today, I was so ashamed of my weight when I sat down and the suction of my thighs made a loud fart noise, I admitted to it being a fart rather than my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 191
You deserved it 20 475

Same thing different taste

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Is it just your thighs against the seat? I don't think you have to be particularly fat for that, especially if it was a slightly rounded seat. Maybe it wouldn't happen to a really skinny person but I think it could happen to a regular person so no need to be ashamed...I'm sure I must've done this before. Hell, at the moment my feet are making fart noises in my's more about shape than 'fatness'.

shivamtrivedi 24

Yeah. I sympathise with you. But take it as motivation to exercise. I hope things work out for you.


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Okay #5 there was absolutely no need to be an ass. oh, and *could HAVE. not could of.

southernpride567 8

Hey #11 she has a point to what she's sayin, don't get mad because she spoke the truth, the truth hurts. How many calories could you burn a day if you worked out instead if used your phone? Honesty? How often do you use/look at your phone? That's the truth and the truth hurts.

B*tch please. The last thing I care about is my grammar. I have no sympathy for fat people - I used to be one.

Omegapi197 12

Unless she types extremely slow not enough to count.

Hey #37. you're an ass too. okay she could be working out instead of using her phone. but almost everyone I know, skinny or on the larger side, would rather play on their phone more than they would want to work out and burn calories. Plus OP could rarely get on FML for all you know. Maybe OP does work out and just can't lose the weight. it's harder for some people to lose weight than others. don't be an ass and assume. give op the benefit of the doubt.

southernpride567 8

Well #50 the "benefit of the doubt" isn't crap, like I said, if she really wants to lose weight then she'll put the phone down an go work out instead, even if "most people would rather play on their phone instead if work out," the point is that OP is feelin ashamed of her weight and if she REALLY wanted to do something about it then she would work out. I don't see why people are disliking my comments because it's the truth regardless of if it hurts or not. I haven't said anything offensive or rude, all I've done is explain putting the phone down and working out will help people lose weight even if it's "hard to lose weight for some people." With enough effort and correct eating ANYBODY can lose ANY amount of weight they want. It's all about self motivation and actually wanting to change your life. Nobody loses weight by being on their phone.

southernpride567 8

Also #50 I didn't assume anything, I simply stated that gettin off the phone and workin out would help OP lose weight. As for your language I hope you feel like a big girl for usin vulgar language on an app. Good job, I praise you for your courage and commitment to the cause of trash talkin. You're parents would be so proud. You deserve a Nobel prize. You deserve a record deal. Jesus great job for callin people names and using vulgar language. The world is your oyster. But wait... I FORGOT! You can't have an opinion on the internet because it's wrong apparently! All well, good job! We're all so proud of your FML accomplishments. So proud.

southernpride567 8

I'd like to make a point on what I just said about opinions! "I'm Gabriella, I'm 16 years young.... Keep your opinions to yourself." Have a nice day now, I'm about done talkin to you, you're just blowin smoke.

#11 Take your own advice - there's no need to be an ass. #5 spoke the truth, most people in the western world could burn a lot more calories if they got off their phones/computers and bothered to exercise a little tiny bit.

Damn... You are all getting way too worked up about this!

incoherentrmblr 21

At least your neck doesn't fart like the other person in their FML...

shivamtrivedi 24

Yeah. I sympathise with you. But take it as motivation to exercise. I hope things work out for you.

I see what you did there. I almost missed it. Well my friend. A successful exercise, if you will, in how to use a pun properly.

Don't worry about it. In my 7th grade class we had a kid who weighed 500 pounds. He didn't care, so we didn't

Don't worry about it? That's horrible advice considering all the health risks

I agree OP shouldn't care what other people think, but letting herself go even more probably wouldn't be a good idea either. OP needs to try and get over people's opinions and try and slim up because she wants to; not because of what these people think.

Did he actually weigh 500lbs, or is this yet another case of people seeing a fat person and plucking a figure? That seems unlikely for someone still in school.

Respect101 17

In all reality he probably weighed 300 something pounds. 500 is hard to reach even for a grown adult.

Wow so they shouldn't care about their health and being around for the people who love them? And 500 lbs in grade 5?! Child protective services should have taken that child away - that is so unhealthy and unsafe for a fully grown man of 6'8" never mind a child in grade five! You disgust me for thinking that is okay.

cryssycakesx3 22

in the end though, aren't people ashamed of their weight (and want to do it for themselves) because of other people?

No. My choice to lose weight was for MYself. I don't care that people think I'm fat. It's only when they voice their opinions about what fat people are (i.e. gross, ugly, over-eaters, etc), that is when I get angry. I have lost sixty pounds, and have sixty to go to get under 300. (6'3") And for those that want to know, I changed to a low carb diet, with mild exercise due to the arthritis on my knees. Apologies for the rant.

There is no way someone who is 13 can weigh 500 pounds (225kg). Good on you as well #79! Keep it up :)

Is it just your thighs against the seat? I don't think you have to be particularly fat for that, especially if it was a slightly rounded seat. Maybe it wouldn't happen to a really skinny person but I think it could happen to a regular person so no need to be ashamed...I'm sure I must've done this before. Hell, at the moment my feet are making fart noises in my's more about shape than 'fatness'.

I agree. I weigh a little over 100 pounds and my sandals make farting noises all the time when I walk. in class, I've had my thighs making a farting noise too. I really think that weight is a verryy small factor. #6 is right. It's more about size.

My thighs have done that before too and I'm not overweight. While the extra weight may make it a little easier to do, it isn't all because of the weight.

That's probably right. I can make noises as well, and I used to be underweight. Maybe I never made any with my thighs, but on a hot day everyone probably squeaks a little. For me, my hands are the worst.

Lol I'm 5'6 and 125 lbs, not skinny but definitely not fat, and this has happened to me plenty of times lol

You won't loose weight with an attitude like that honey

What makes you think she has an attitude??? To me it sounds like this FML is a good reason for her to start eating right and/or exercising.

you won't either, but we leave you the **** alone now, don't we

Being fat doesn't make you any less valuable of a person, OP. I hope you can disregard the bigoted comments people are posting about you. You deserve to be treated with decency.

I use to be fat, and more than anything I hated how it made me less of a person. My daily accomplishments have more than doubled since I've lost some weight.

So by your estimation op really is less of a person? People like you can up and die and make the world a kinder place. Where the hell is your compassion? What kind of person are you?

23 is talking about the boosts of self esteem, confidence, and energy that he achieved. Even if you're trying to seem supportive of OP, 28, you don't have to be a jerk about it.

It does not make him any less but is a healt issue, i hate and feel bad for people when i see them in a shopping driving cart with oxygen masks. Asthmatic people have gotten rid of it by exercising

ulissey_fml 22

Next time it happens I hope somebody will give a small sigh..... Joke apart, no-one should judge you, not even yourself, it just makes things worse. But i'm sure there are people who can offer bona fide help.

That probably didn't have anything to do with the fat on your body, just the skin. Especially when it's hot out skin tends to get moist and sticky.

Thats the nastyest thing ive heard all day.

Time to fill out an application for The Biggest Loser now in case that diet doesn't work out anytime soon

Go be embarrassed about sitting down while you're self-conscious about your weight instead.