Cheat day

By Hungry - 03/09/2019 06:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I conveniently "forgot" to write down a bunch of stuff, including a huge kebab, in my Weight Watchers food journal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 478
You deserved it 2 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what Weekly Points and Activity Points are for. Within reason, you can still succeed by omitting things you are too ashamed to write down. Your results will decide what defines "within reason."

If no one knows about it, the calories are not real. Trust me.


If no one knows about it, the calories are not real. Trust me.

That's what Weekly Points and Activity Points are for. Within reason, you can still succeed by omitting things you are too ashamed to write down. Your results will decide what defines "within reason."

I had one cheat day a week. In six months I lost 40 lbs. Just don't go overboard on the cheat day. I hope you don't have a heart attack to bring you back to reality of eating right.

bl3ur0z3 17
julfunky 29

What’s the point of lying in your own journal?

blondie45 21

Sadly, the scale doesn’t lie...

damonic666 1

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