By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 13:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I lied to my diary about my weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 179
You deserved it 51 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shithappens2memo 0

she's cheating on her diary with a sexy little journal.


Dear Kitty, today the cutest guy from school asked me to go with him to prom night. I weigh 109 pounds and i'm very popular at school. *collapses* Alright alright, i'm ******* ugly everyone hates me and i'm not invited to prom night. Besides, I weigh a 262. Boo ******* Hoo

which is worse: that you lied about your weight or that you lied about it to your DIARY.

YDI only you are going to see what's in your diary. it's not like it's going to tell anyone else

lol now that just a little sad, it's a book it's not going to judge you :)

eliteteamdancer 0

asking for sympathy on FML is a dumb idea.

yea 88 they are everywhere!didn you know?! O.o

awardZu 0

That's just too pathetic for me to wrap my mind around. If you are unhappy with your body image, do something about it. Don't come on the internet, especially here, and look for sympathy. I hate it when fat people bitch about being fat! Unless you have a medical issue that causes you to be fat, STFU

ReynshineCutting 10