By Anonymous - 26/04/2011 13:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I lied to my diary about my weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 179
You deserved it 51 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shithappens2memo 0

she's cheating on her diary with a sexy little journal.


That is.. One hell of a fail. Now go workout!

this is the dumbest FML I have ever heard. who moderated this crap?

drumchick4ever7 0

if you come to terms with yourself you will feel better and confident

thebestof1984 0

haha, I love this one! Sorry op....

karleighpaige 4

So you're fat, lie to your diary, and seek sympathy on FML. Your life does suck.

maybe you should stop writing and start lifting!

who cares? how is this a FML? Its not like anyone else reads your diary.

It's a good thing you didn't tell the truth. That ******* diary is nothing but a FILTHY ******* LIAR and spreads false rumours and innuendo all over the goddamned place. That diary got just what it deserved, the little ****.

sincerely331 0

Why is everyone assuming OP is fat/overweight? What if she is skinny as hell & lied cause she wants to be thicker?

kingtz 6

Because skinny people don't need to lie about their weight.

because people don't bitch about being skinny.

flickyourbic1223 7

89 People do bitch about being too skinny. It's not as common but it does happen.

if this person has an eating disorder, I an easily see her lying.