FUPA kings

By Anonymous - 04/07/2021 18:00

Today, as I got out of the shower, my young stepson saw me naked. Later, he asked his mom why my "pee pee" is so small when everyone says it is supposed to get bigger when you become an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 247
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming you were simply flaccid? What was his mom's response though? I'm curious.

Ambrily 27

A little child who hears that it's going to get bigger can think it's going to become REALLY big, so anything the 'normal' size will still look small to him. I don't think a child is the most reliable source of information on what a good penis size is.


Many males have a very elastic penis that is much smaller when not at all erect than when erect or partially erect. I assume this was an adaptation for humans who originally lived in colder climates (to minimize heat loss). Assuming your stepson is old enough to at least understand the difference between an erect penis and one that isn’t - He should simply be told the above and that he does not turn you on.

I'm assuming you were simply flaccid? What was his mom's response though? I'm curious.

Ambrily 27

A little child who hears that it's going to get bigger can think it's going to become REALLY big, so anything the 'normal' size will still look small to him. I don't think a child is the most reliable source of information on what a good penis size is.

diraven 15

Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison...

Wadlaen 23

And what is the reason? You can tell us!

both of my sons at this point have pulled the same stunt and seen me naked as well. it's normal for kids to question things. it can be as simple as "why do you have hair on your chest and I don't" but ultimately you need to explain to him that things change as you get older, and it's size doesn't stay the same either. depending on his age and maturity level you don't need to get into reason's why