By liz - 03/10/2010 04:00 - United States

Today, my husband and I moved to get closer to his job. Today he got transferred 150 miles away from where we moved to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 674
You deserved it 2 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't they warn you a while ahead of time of these transfers?

perdix 29

If you got transferred the same day you moved, no problem, you're still living in boxes. I know you have to start these stories with "Today" so you should have written something like, "Today, my husband got transferred... We moved x weeks/months ago to get closer to his new job. FML" But, then again, you are from West Virginia, so bless your heart, we can't expect too much from you.


Marvin_Android 0

Sounds tedious. This just goes to show you the futility of altering your life for others. They come to expect it of you as though it's nothing. I predict your husband will be laid off by this time next year, too, leaving all your efforts for naught. I'm not bringing you down, am I? Life. Don't talk to me about life.

stephanie0613 0

I agree, Marvin is something bothering you?

Don't they warn you a while ahead of time of these transfers?

MissErikaHart 0

no, pack ur things now. u will b starting at the new location first thing tomorrow morning. that's always how it works ;)

Iamnotfat 16

u look like Angelina Jolie's sister (if she had one)

UnicornsDoExist 0

So? I love in the middle of nowhere, and have to get an hour bus ride to school, because my dad moved us to fifteen minutes from his work.

well... stop makin "love" in the middle of nowhere and that won't happen. Duh!

SunshineBoy21 0

Aahhh, love in the middle of nowhere... *drifts off into a blissful dream state* ...and I'm back. Thanks for the memories! ;)

tdawg4200 0
perdix 29

If you got transferred the same day you moved, no problem, you're still living in boxes. I know you have to start these stories with "Today" so you should have written something like, "Today, my husband got transferred... We moved x weeks/months ago to get closer to his new job. FML" But, then again, you are from West Virginia, so bless your heart, we can't expect too much from you.

Why is it that it must be started with "today" and WTF is anti-flood protection?! Sounds like homeowners insurance! ugh

Sorry, pendatik, I was talking to the one who had said "bless your heart."

Meh, i just commute. my job has me driving about that far, but its a remote location. housing near work sucks.

A five-hour roundtrip over the moutains each day is not reasonable.

YDI for being married to someone who is employed. Since you're in Canuckia, can't you just build a new igloo that's closer to his new job? Or are you two too busy raping seals?

Er, oops. I crossed the 2 recent FMLs. So, er, forget the igloo thing. Since you're in WV, can't you just hitch your trailer to your pickup and haul it the 150 miles closer to the new job?! There we go.

Yeah, but getting food stamps rerouted through two new addresses is a bitch. =

That bites. Speaking of bites, HERE, have some COOKIES!!

Were you banished to Huntington or something? PS -- Maybe your hubby should work on his first impressions. O:)