By makeuuuuup - 21/02/2010 01:52 - Canada

Today, I learned the hard way that my foundation shows up under a black light. At a black light party. No one told me until afterwards. Everyone took pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 357
You deserved it 5 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HakoneRider 0

OMG your life is over. How are you gonna explain to everyone that you wear makeup?

make up glows in a black light. so does semen. there's the explanation


Hiropon 0

I think foundation was the make up on her face? So her face had this creepy glow? I'm not so sure...

HakoneRider 0

Blacklights enhance somethings that reflect ultraviolet light in certain ways. In other words, her makeup might have glowed in a weird color making it seem like something was on her face.

well orange you embarrassed. (pun intended)

pretty corny but that still kinda got a lagh out of me

make up glows in a black light. so does semen. there's the explanation

NeonWar__ 0

it was probably light reflecting foundation she was wearing...

okay it's easy ppl she was at a party there were black lights..... got that?... the black light made her foundation show so i she prob. looke retarded... and je also prob. looked like she didn't rub it in good which if you have ever seen someone who hasn't blended their foundation it looks retarded

So it looked like someone jizzed all over her face.

perdix 29

#69, if the fleet was in port that night, then yes!

tweetbaby14 18

that's what happens when you wear makeup


puns are gay (pun not intended)

jason2468 0
Jrook 0

WTF that's a kind of large design flaw

MF12 0

I hate. when people. write sentences. like this.

And no one. Did. You ass. Those were complete sentences in the post.

okay. this post has nothing to do with ****. her foundation (makeup that hides skin's flaws) showed up in the blacklight. it showed up orange. it did not show up white. I've seen people who have had the same problem.

Hey Mehness, cooluc (#50) did. I think you should look at the comments prior to the ones you are insulting just in case you miss the reference. MF12 is right. "so does semen" is not a complete sentence. I think the lack of capitalization after punctuation is what set MF12 off.

Actually, dumbass, I think you'll find that MF12's comment about full-stops in unnecessary places was spurred on by the original FML comment...although Mehness is still a bigger dumbass...

You're right; I missed Op's "At a black light party." That is not a full sentence either. I'll take your dumbass and raise you a 'hypocrite'. I should have reread the original post before commenting and then, commented in a slightly different way.

Smooth_Pianist, you're right; I missed OP's "At a black light party." I'll take your 'dumbass' and raise you a 'hypocrite'. I should have reread the original post before commenting and then, commented in a slightly different way. Hey Mehness, OP did. "At a black light party" isn't a complete sentence.

Today, a website I frequently visit wouldn't let me edit properly which resulted in double posts in which I essentially repeated myself. FML.

foundation is basically the skin-colored base layer of make up you wear and blend in to your whole face. so it means hers' reacted to the black light making it looked like her face was glowing.

um no the makeup didn't "react" to the light. the lights picked up the fluorescent colors in the makeup, which wouldn't normally show, and made her face look weird. do people understand now?

she deserves it for being too ugly to go 'au natural'

Fail for the OP. Win for the soon to be posted pictures!

Batman4890 0

iIm sorry but I don't know about you but I didn't choose how I came out so how does she deserve it got being ugly?

HakoneRider 0

OMG your life is over. How are you gonna explain to everyone that you wear makeup?

garuru 4

this would be an FML if the gender sign in the top right corner said guy haha

exactly what i was thinking. seriously, OP, no one will even care.

so basically when she went to the party her face was shunning white because of the stuff she uses on it

BrownSugar_fml 5

Laugh it off, it's no big deal. 

purplemnm 9

that happened to me before. it's a weird kinda orangey glow.

crzyry 6

Did you think your life was ****** after this happened to you?

u guys should stop buying cheap make up. that has never happened to me wtf LOL.

purplemnm 9

it's not cheap makeup it's the way they make it

crzyry 6

This is the worst fml I have even read... Can ANYBODY tell me how OP's life is ****** by this?

LauraTheKiwi 0

the foundation shows up under a black light. so does semen. there's your explanation. :D

Her life is ****** because she's a superficial bitch who thinks looks are everything

this isn't an fml this is like an f my day I hate when people put this pointless stuff on here