
By madeleine - 08/04/2021 05:00

Today, I caught my young daughter eating candy after brushing her teeth. Angry, I asked her if she wanted all her teeth to fall out. She smiled and said, “Yes!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 676
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The standoffish ones are always the hardest. Wanna try putting the candy somewhere out her reach?

Actually that’s a normal child reaction to reply yes. Besides, all her teeth should fall out. We all lose our baby teeth in order to have the adult teeth come in.


The standoffish ones are always the hardest. Wanna try putting the candy somewhere out her reach?

Sady_Ct 37

Why does she have free access to candy? She’s a child and most children can’t be trusted with candy.

Actually that’s a normal child reaction to reply yes. Besides, all her teeth should fall out. We all lose our baby teeth in order to have the adult teeth come in.

bleachedraven 14

that's one way of looking at it 🤣

One way of looking at it. But believe me, as a dental instumentalist who assisted in multiple removal of teeth so rotten they had to be removed way too early in kids only about 18 months - that is not a way you should teach your kids to view things.