By oww - 09/03/2010 11:14 - United States

Today, I learned not to jump off a stage if nobody is going to catch you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 235
You deserved it 38 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for being a Jonas Brother.

anela_fml 0

didn't watch Jack black do that in school of rock eh


#47. your not quite correct there. if you get te people to agree at an actuall concert. they will normally catch you for your crowd surfing

Ecnassianer 0

Obviously OP didn't get the memo :P

maybe he was playing rockband and heard the crowd cheer dove head first into the tv. head first and broke his collar bone and his new tv!

haha. very true. but i've done similar. only difference. I was pulled from the stage by an ex gf. lost a guitar from it too

You generally shouldn't attempt crowd-surfing if there isn't a crowd...imo...

KurouTenshi 0

and he had the Courage to try. all he needs now is to implement some Power into his metal!!

I'm pretty confident you should keep trying anyways....and eventually....someone might care..

KurouTenshi 0

I'm the only member of the band that isn't gay.

Today, I provided yet more evidence why Darwin's selection of the fittest should not be tampered with. TDI!