By oww - 09/03/2010 11:14 - United States

Today, I learned not to jump off a stage if nobody is going to catch you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 235
You deserved it 38 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for being a Jonas Brother.

anela_fml 0

didn't watch Jack black do that in school of rock eh


UnicornsDoExist 0

if you were hot, they would have caught you.

FruityLoooons 8

Dude, seriously? You're lame.

trackrunner00008 0
wethequeens123 1

no.. not fyl because that was a rip off from GH3 which says on the loading screen "don't stage dive unless you know they are going to catch you"

sheltielov3r 3
xokaitlyn94x3 0

YDI for thinking that you're a Rock Star