By oww - 09/03/2010 11:14 - United States

Today, I learned not to jump off a stage if nobody is going to catch you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 235
You deserved it 38 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what you get for being a Jonas Brother.

anela_fml 0

didn't watch Jack black do that in school of rock eh


And to think I thought it was obvious. Guess not.

Asstazztic 8

That wouldn't have happened if you were at a TDWP concert =}

hell yes TDWP is awsome. and YDI for not playing good enough to get caught

Asstazztic 8

I'm 69, better than 1st :P lol

KurouTenshi 0

his original comment was 69...just saying.

pyrodude185 0

school of rock status? OP, did this actually happen?

EmmaMarieCullen 0

why hello captain obvious, i'm lutenate sarcasm!

Stage diving...brings back memories. Good times, good times. :)

Have you ever been in the crowd when some fatass tries to crowd surf? As much as I love fat people landing on me, kicking everyone in the head, etc. to crowd surf you need to actually pay attention to where you are landing and how many people are there. (aka, don't land on the hundred-pounders or where there isn't much people) Putting that aside, people usually only make an attempt NOT to catch you when you're either fat, or are an idiot and jumping into a part of the crowd that isn't full. ...and if you're attempting to crowd surf in the first place, you should realize that eventually you're going to fall back into the crowd anyways. ...and if you're at a concert where you stage dive, who cares if you fall? Stop crying and get in the pit.