Con Artist Kitty

By Tray - 25/09/2017 20:13

Today, I had just finished making myself an ice cream cone when my cat puked all over the floor. I set my cone on the counter while I cleaned up, and when I finished, my cat was licking it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 870
You deserved it 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Giving more support to the assertion that cats are a-holes

Lobby_Bee 17

The art of deception, your cat has mastered it.


"No, kitty! This is my ice cream cone!"

Giving more support to the assertion that cats are a-holes

Lobby_Bee 17

The art of deception, your cat has mastered it.

I think you just got played by your cat.

You fool! You have shown it that humans are easily tricked! Now it will tell the Cat Council that they are ready to commence their plan for world domination! You've doomed us all!

Make yourself another ice cream cone. While you’re doing that, the cat will vomit up the first one, and when you go to clean it up, the cat will steal your second one. Repeat until someone dies.