By Shannon - 29/11/2009 02:14 - United States

Today, while at a hotel for vacation with my brother and his wife, I was watching their two-month old daughter in the waterpark when a woman came up to me and said, "Aww your kid is so adorable! Don't worry, you'll get your figure back in no time." I'm a fourteen year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 691
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

99% of the ppl tht commented this r all bitches..u guys are probably fat..shes ****** 14..its bitches like u tht make kids wanna kill themselves..**** u guys


eggnogg 0

this is so fake. no parents in their right mind would put a two month old in the water without them being in there as well. seeing as you were "watching" her, it sounds as if you were out of the pool, which means she would have drowned, considering that she can't even crawl yet.

You're stupid. The OP said she was watching their daughter while being in a water park. I don't know where you see anything about a 2 year old swimming by herself but watching simply means she was like babysitting the kid maybe until the parents returned after 10 mins or so. Don't be so quick to call it a fake especially with bad and stupid arguments like that.

Unregistered 0

omfg i am sick and tired of these ******* overweight pieces of shit complaining on FML for ***** sake its called a healthy routine god ******* damn it fml should install a NO FAT CHICKS when submitting your story cus if i read another FML about some ******* fat piece of shit QQing about being fat i swear to god

#65- ur such an ass this is fml, so pple can share any freakin fml they want whether their fat or not. who ****** cares wat u think and wat u want. if u dont like fml's about overweight pple the DONT READ IT, instead of making comments like a douche. and its not just # 65, all u pple r so harsh and judgmental its ridiculous. its just an fml (for the thousand freakin time) she's overweight, so she needs to lose a couple of pounds, big whoop. i agree with #75, she's only 14. idk y u pple r so quick to judge

We only really judge those who are as thick as pig shit and spell like a retard with vengeance against keyboards. Like yourself, if you come with an argument you'd better make sure it's flawless. Besides too many people complain about shite. "Oh noes" wailed the annoying drama queen "some random person commented on my body, well I better be glad they don't mean jack shit to anyone in the world." Gah, grow the **** up.

They aren't stupid you are. She says the baby is 2 months old, not two years. A two month old baby can barely hold their own head up. so she'd have to be holding the child if it were anywhere near the water. But she says she was watching it, which implies she was sitting on the side of the pool away from the child. Take a closer read next time before you start calling people stupid.

gods_hunter10 0

I am a guy... bite you balls off ******* **** sucking mother ******* son on whoreish bitch!!! op go girl!! and my 12 year old friend got that. they thought we were married, I was like cool... fucktarded me. :p

65 is right I hate it when fat people complain on FML. 99% of the time, fat people are fat because of things they can prevent. It is statistical fact that if you are fat, your life will suck more than the typical persons life. stop botching about it and lose the damn weight. For that other 1% who are fat for medical reasons, that is a true FML, just make sure to mention that you have said condition if you ever post one.

that succks. forget about it your unique and don't try to change.

thank god for the absence of trollers and all their "FURST U BITCHES!!!1!"

Mads_1234 28

I think the commenter was stating what most trolls comment

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Yea, but being overweight at 25 is perfectly healthy....? I don't get y'all dumbass's :p

You're not in any position to be calling other people "dumbass's". I'm just saying.

PunxsatownyPhil 0

No, he/she doesn't get the ":p" of you dumbasses.

blazingman311 1

Maybe you should lose some weight

JacksonCampbell 9

5 - when has being overweight ever been healthy

doglover339 4

She might have not been fat she could just have a big body structure

yeah but if you're fat at 14 then you probs won't even live to 25 because it hinders development and you need to do weight bearing exercises when you're young to strengthen your body. also your metabolism is much much higher, and so being a healthy weight is easy even with gross overeating. to be genuinely overweight at 14 is a death sentence.

hes trying to say that kids have a better metabolism so its best to learn how to diet and excersise well before you turn into an adult.

You're too young for the internet! Eat less cake?

Yes because the Internet is only for mature people -.-

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L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

ohmygosh!! your 14 aswell !!! ... seriously... wow, i'm ashamed to be in the same age group, grow up... -_-

me too, and people keep thinking i'm 18. this is a common thing when you're a teengaer, people who are much older than you miss-guess your age constantly.

Congratulations would you like a star shaped sticker for your accomplishments or would you flip shit over the Internet for that too?

lol now fat kids are now sustainable of being falsely accused as pregnant.. oh it's all mcdicks' fault!

v1kt4r 13

I think u mean susceptible to

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

lmao...yeah...that made NO sense.