By wowthatwould - 04/12/2011 21:39 - United States

Today, I was watching porn when I heard my mom call for me. I closed my laptop right as she walked in my room. The sound, however, kept going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 407
You deserved it 46 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tandem123 6

That could have been a good thing to close te window

ohjessica 11

Yeah I'm sure his mom was climbing through the window.

tandem123 6

Window on the Internet, not his bedroom window.

Close the window, you're letting the Internet get out.

9, so you're neighbours climb through your window? Interesting..

Vball6 19

Is it just me.. Or has there already been an FML that is same EXACT to this one..

pilotx 0

Ikr and I love how ur comments disliked from all the haters that are pcs.

fromthesuck 8

Or how about use head phones instead of risking it being heard through the door... With ear buds you can hear it and keep an ear open for activity outside the door. Although... Who needs to hear **** anyway.

chell1894 13

Has any one heard of a locked door? There's not a lock on the door to just look cool.

shyeahh_fml 19

My door doesn't have a lock.

DioMaledica 14

87-They're recycling. It's good for the environment. :D

rogerusmc23 0

Fromthesuck sounds like he know what he's talking about.. Been there before eh?

Just explain to mommy dearest that it was your pillow pet, Sparkles, and that she needn't worry. :)

tell her you're watching Women's Tennis

#8 #9 are either complete computer noobs or comics.

LezBiHonest 7

Where can I get one of those pillows?

It is for situations such as these that Alt+F4 comes in handy.

EvilTwerp 12

If he wore headphones, would that be better? What if he couldn't hear is mom and she walked in on him looking at ****? I would say extremely low volume that way if the sound continues, it's pretty easy to cover it up

systems7 2

Only use one headphone leave the other half off your ear.

EvilTwerp 12

Honestly, would turning off the sound take away from the experience that much?

Damn you guys are experts at how to watch **** without getting caught..just saying

bizarre_ftw 21

May I suggest headphones, a cellphone (if you want to go that far), and to take up the practice of taking 'baths' The sound of the water allows you to have the volume up as high as you like and will mask any other 'sounds' *cough* that might occur Also, added bonus of a locked door and a reason to say "no mum, you Can't come in"

Shadow4i5 3

Yay that's too much jus stick w/ the headphones

In your bathroom without headphones on... Tell your mom you're taking a crap. Simple as that.

Gyromee 0

I say just use earbuds and only wear one.

Isaac_The_Man 0

Only use one headphone and put the other one off your ear. And put the volume down a bit..

the good ol' one ear trick, seriously, we are born with this trick, come on.. lol

Like the baws I am, I can do it with a gaming headset and still hear them comig.

Fack you bitches, I have an iTouch... myself get it?

38, personally, sound is a huge factor in my experience. OP, is there a way you can sit where your mom doesn't see the screen? It seems like you have a laptop. Then even if you don't hear her coming, she won't see what you're watching. But I do recommend mobile ****.

ikickgingers 15

Happens to the best of us. Well, not me because I have my own place... Perhaps - invest in headphones. :) *edit* 3 beat me :/

You probably wouldn't have gotten in trouble if you invited your mom:) Waits for thumbsdowns

RedPillSucks 31

We'll save the beating for later... erm..., wait. What kind of "beating" did you have in mind?

KiddNYC1O 20

On your own in New York? You're doing well, IKG.

louchios 0

No you can when she's home but be careful as ****

saIty 17

Oh man, not to mention the adrenaline rush.

You can watch **** when your mom is home, jus be careful. Try hitting the X button tho.. that helps alot lol

tbone87 1

Lol @ saltys pic of neighbors wifi!!

Don't do it while your mum's home, man. If she's rarely out then AT LEAST wait until she's asleep. AND USE HEADPHONES. Jeez.

Never do it when mums home. And if you do, head phones and face the screen away from an opening door. And window if bedroom is on the ground level.

geod69 8
bizarre_ftw 21
perdix 29

Your mom will go, "Yeah, right! Cherry-popping music!"

With some of the things said in rap songs, you would think it's a porno.

Well there is that one song "Pause 4 Porno" in The Chronic 2001.

The saddest part is that that would work.

ashleys562165 0

Hahaha I read it like that at first too!!!

The complexity of pop music is more so in the production of the song. The lyrics are usually simple and must simply be catchy and have a nice hook. Some pop songs are actually quite witty or contain clever metaphors or double meanings, though they are very rare. And it does seem like pop music has went down the drain in very recent years with all of the overuse of auto tune.

Mom: can I watch the pop music video? You : oh crap

limblessorphan 4

that's gona be a fun conversation starter at the dinner table.

You need to practice using alt+F4 quickly.

coolboy675 16

Since it's a laptop, it'd probably be ALT+FN+F4. I prefer using Ctrl+W however :c

DKParth13 5

Looks like these guys are experienced !!

Daydreemdie 0

Ow- that suck to be you... That really is an FML I feel bad for you dude