By Myballshurt - 03/08/2013 04:31 - United States - Harrisburg

Today, I learned a few things. One: friends are assholes. Two: under no circumstance do you close your eyes when they ask you to. Three: getting kicked in the balls hurts a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 435
You deserved it 22 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

1. You're gullible as hell 2. Never trust any of your guy friends - guys are assholes 3. Ice them balls brother.

olpally 32

After you're done being in pain, kick them in the balls. Bastards.


ViRepz 28

At least the third problem will eventually go away

Well, you learn something new everyday! Fbs OP (:

What are your balls made of? Reinforced steel? Eventually is a long time when your hit there

Man #1 you're just full of bad comments today aren't you?

SwaggCapone 11

this fml is kind of hard to vote. On one instance its a FYL OP for getting kicked in the balls. On another note its a YDI for closing your eyes when your friends told you to

skittycat213 19

#1 not if they were wearing ice climbing boots

Wizardo 33

1. You're gullible as hell 2. Never trust any of your guy friends - guys are assholes 3. Ice them balls brother.

Girls tend to be assholes just as much as guys, if not more so.

ViRepz 28

Everyone knows girls don't poop.

CaiDog 20

^I fail to see the relevence in this comment.

slappygecko 21

What you don't know about women.

#26, your ignorance levels are astonishing.

Let's just meet in the middle: people are assholes.

#29 It's fun to see the struggle. STRUGGLEWATCH

I've been called an asshole waaay more times then I've been called a ****. And most of those came from my friends... very fitting to this FML.

olpally 32

After you're done being in pain, kick them in the balls. Bastards.

Number one should read: MY friends are assholes, because most friends wouldn't do this.

^ I'm pretty sure assholery is common among friends. Maybe it's YOUR friends that are breaking the norm.

It could be common among males. At least my female friends wouldn't do anything like this, but maybe #53 is right and males are assholes.

That's a low blow, even for friends, ESPECIALLY for guy friends. See someone get kicked down there hurts, though not as much as getting kicked down there.

My comment got buried because I have certain standards when it comes to friends. How sad... If #53 is correct I'm happy that MY friends are breaking the norm.

PterodactylMan 23

When you're feeling better you should kick them in the balls

I don't always close my eyes, but when I do, it hurts, A LOT.

Blinking must be excruciating for you.

fylx100 19

How do you sleep at night? You poor, poor thing. :-/

cadillacgal79 32

@80, obviously he sleeps with his eyes open.

Soo wait, you didn't already know that getting kicked in the balls hurt already? I thought that was like guy 101 or something.. o.o

hcollins1 18

How was he supposed to know he was going to get kicked in the balls? He's probably that one friend that is gullible.

Lol no I meant something different. He said he 'learned' 3 things today, but he didn't actually just learn that getting kicked in the balls hurts (probably)

Where does it say that OP's friends are boys? Girls can be ball-kicking assholes too.

lol We must be equal! Even if it means we are ball kicking assholes too! We claim it all babay!!

I'm sorry, but I thought all of this was common knowledge?