
By bad timing - 03/09/2019 15:01 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, at work, my manager accidentally bumped into me, brushing my behind with the back of his hand. He was a bit embarrassed, so I jokingly said, “You could at least buy me dinner first!” He went to HR and told them I made him uncomfortable. I was just trying to lighten the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 901
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't lighten the mood like that in this day and age, mon frère. Everyone gets upset by everything.

ur boss needs to lighten up, has humor died in his life? i thought it was funny as


You can't lighten the mood like that in this day and age, mon frère. Everyone gets upset by everything.

It's so sad that you're right. In this day and age so many people get upset about the most trivial reasons and think being offended gives them some additional rights.

Mathalamus 24

Honestly, I'd be fine with that. Most jokes are rather inappropriate.

ur boss needs to lighten up, has humor died in his life? i thought it was funny as

That is how bosses become unemployed... they can not afford to risk anything that even pretends to look flirtatious

He can’t lighten up. If she’d gone to HR first (obviously she’s not that kind of person, but they do exist and in droves) he very quickly would be fighting for his job. This is life now, you can’t offend ANYONE, even unintentionally. Sad to say, but I don’t blame him for doing what he did.

Deny it, don’t make this ridiculous case easy for them

Tell HR you thought he did it by mistake but if it’s not the case that he has harassed you

Tell HR that he did it on purpose, and grabbed your behind. It made YOU feel uncomfortable, and as a defense tactic you tried to make a joke to make the situation less tense.

WeirdUS 29

Wait what? So she should lie about being harassed? Not only is that awful that is wildly illegal.

How do you know he didn't do it on purpose? And because she was trying to lighten the mood, he reports her? Who's the one lying?

Traveling_Book 9

Ah yes lie to get her boss fired and possibly ruin his life. What’s the worst that could happen?

He's the one that touched you so IDG why'd he go to hr