By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 21:26 - New Zealand

Today, I found out how it feels to have a car door slammed shut on my hand, breaking two of my fingers. Hint: it's fucking painful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 176
You deserved it 2 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP, I've been there. When I was four I had a door slammed on my pinky finger. Had to go to the ER and get stitches. Not fun. Hope it heals quickly!


I'm sorry OP, I've been there. When I was four I had a door slammed on my pinky finger. Had to go to the ER and get stitches. Not fun. Hope it heals quickly!

A little off topic, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people are on this site at all hours of the night. Take a minute break to wipe and there are already over a dozen comments on a new FML

You don't know yourself what FML is, do you?

You probably could have taken this on faith without more testing.

Hopefully you did not break the fingers on your dominant hand...

Ohhhh my gosh! I hope you heal up quick cuz that shit sucks :(

Once a trunk hit my head, and i swear it hurt so bad i could feel my individual cells committing suicide

Once I got knocked on the head with a baseball bat. It was painful.

I've accidentally smashed my thumb by closing the car door on it and then having my mom accidentally lock the car. That's as close as I get to trying to understand your pain. I'm sorry OP, hope you heal fast and rest well.