By Beefballs - 29/07/2009 06:22 - Canada

Today, I just found out my dad got remarried a year ago. The woman is officially living with us, I got to have lunch with her alone today. I found out she is only 22, with a 14 year old little brother. My dad's 47. I'm 17, now with a 14 year old uncle and a mom that can pass for my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 374
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks for you...go find yourself an older woman and show her to your dad lol

Marry her mom so you could be your own Grampa


Poke_my_mon 0

Dude, think of this as the perfect MILF gangbang possibility. Call a few friends over, get a video camera... Let the good times roll. I wouldn't be too pissed with this. ESPECIALLY if she's the type like in all those porno's where she'll do it with you if you keep it a secret ;)

those pornos never ever happen in real life, wake up dude! @poster, you got a milf on your hands, do the doable!

DanceRox9008 0

how would you only find out now if they got married a year ago? like hello wouldnt you have been invited to the wedding?? i just dont see how that part of this whole FML is possible...

flyboy57 0

good for your dad. he could teach you some things.

ImFree17 0

Ok some people are really stupid. @ OP,, Woop dee doo. Your dad married a 22 year old. You're life must be so hard (sarcasm). My mom passed away when I was 14,, my parents never married. My dad married some trailer trash bitch and called me the next day to tell me. I dont live with my dad any more cuz he kicked me out. I live with my aunt and her boyfriend after I spent the last 4 months living with my ex boyfriend's mom. She called social services and had me moved to my aunts house. I got to pay for the plane ticket and how ever much it cost to send my stuff from Colorado to Illinois. I've lived in 5 different places/houses with 4 different people in the last 5 years. I recently went to court to be the "witness" of a sexual assult trial,, I was the plaintiff. The defendant was my mom's husband (my step dad). My mom passed away august 23, 2006,, I was sexually assulted by my step dad on august 13, 2006. So seriously if you're gonna complain about your life,, atleast make it worth the reading. ((And NO I didn't get kicked out because I was doing something illegal or wrong,, me and my dad dont get along we are too much alike))

Poke_my_mon 0

Yeah dude, no one here really cares about that stuff. Sucks for you, but go away.

ImFree17 0

If you notice,, jackass,, I didn't post it as a FML but as a comment. So go blow yourself. You're not a hot shot so stop trying to act like one.

Poke_my_mon 0

If you notice what a COMMENT is, it's to respond to the FML. Which you totally failed to do with your little essay. Hence why you should leave :D

ImFree17 0

I WAS ******* COMMENTING ON THE FML YOU STUPID ASS! REALIZE! AND WTF ARE YOU DOING? Dont be ******* stupid. Grow up. I hate immature people

Shiekian 0

That was ridiculous. Check the web site. That is not what this is about. It is to make people laugh. It even say it should be funny not serious. It seems like you need to talk to someone. Go get a counselor and stop spreading all your crap all over the internet.

Poke_my_mon 0

There's a difference between responding, which goes something like this: "Oh man that sucks. FYL dude, because...." And having a pity party/ posting an FML in comments/ Not responding, which goes something like: "Oh, that happened to you? That's nothing. Let me tell you about me...." Now, which one was more like you, Hm?

ImFree17 0

oh yeah lemme tell ya. i need a pity party. naw dude. you should try and read more carefully next time. what i said is NOT and FML. if it was i coulda condenced it and made it way way better. it is CLEARLY stating that if he really thinks his life sucks he should look at other peoples lives. woo hoo he is 17 and has a 22 year old step mom. woop dee ******* doo. thats not funny nor is it an FML. whatever im done argueing with you. i have better things to do. be a jackass all you want. i dont care. people like you talk shyt about other people because you aren't happy with your own life.

riku3220 2

You're an idiot you know that? I mean do you browse this site just to say "You think your life is ******? This is what happened to me..." Nobody gives a damn dude. QQ moar.

The funny thing is that we all assume the 22-year-old wife is hot. What if she was a hog and a broken-down, haggered, 47-year-old dude is the best she could do? Wouldn't be so hot if the dad said, "Son, help your stepmom with her butt acne, and don't forget to wear goggles -- you don't want to get hit in the eye with butt acne pimple pus!" Gack.

I have an aunt that's three years younger than me; it's just because my grandmother had my mom young (she's the oldest of seven, and the aunt is the youngest of seven). It's not that uncommon to have an aunt or uncle younger than you; be glad that your father is happy, though their relationship probably isn't all that stable with that big of a age difference

this is dumb ur dad and the 22 year old hussy are the ones that are ****** not you.