By Cody1324 - 04/12/2018 15:30

Today, my girlfriend of 4 years is better friends with my younger sister and when she has free time to go out and do something, she would rather spend it with her than with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 581
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've read enough of these to know that you should probably give her fingers a sniff, just to make sure it really is just friendship.

A few years ago on this site, i read one where the guy's gf left him for his sister and he couldn't stop thinking about all the times they went out for "girl time" Good luck, OP


I've read enough of these to know that you should probably give her fingers a sniff, just to make sure it really is just friendship.

A few years ago on this site, i read one where the guy's gf left him for his sister and he couldn't stop thinking about all the times they went out for "girl time" Good luck, OP

You’d better get a ticket for Dave, if you know what mean ;)

Both relationships are about open honest communication you should have a conversation with your sister and girlfriend separately and explain how it makes you feel. If your girlfriend can’t respect your feelings then you shouldn’t be together. She can just be friends with your sister and move on.

weaboo 12

Well as long as your gf is heterosexual and she still does spend time with you it should be fine but you can talk to her about it

Stan_The_Man 7

Relationships just get boring after 4 years. Take it as a compliment that she loves your family members. That sure beats your girlfriend hating your family.


Watch out. You're gonna lose her to your sis

Let me cry you a river. Not all attention focused on you? Poor baby. Maybe if you gave her good D she wouldn't rather spend her time with her new bestie... OH WAIT THERE IS TIME FOR BOTH!!! For realsies? Get your own life, stop being so dependent on your GF to validate your existence or "play with you". It's not kindergarden. Talk to her and say "I feel like you're spending more time with my sis than me, let's go on a date night!". See what I did there? I didn't pout or wallow or throw a tantrum, I used my big-girl words to let the other person know what I feel and what I think we should do about it. You can be a big-girl too!