By Beefballs - 29/07/2009 06:22 - Canada

Today, I just found out my dad got remarried a year ago. The woman is officially living with us, I got to have lunch with her alone today. I found out she is only 22, with a 14 year old little brother. My dad's 47. I'm 17, now with a 14 year old uncle and a mom that can pass for my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 374
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks for you...go find yourself an older woman and show her to your dad lol

Marry her mom so you could be your own Grampa


CJ090 0

its the girs brother not son please read next time

it was a little brother not a kid dumbass


Nah... most of those involve lolicons. Milfs are pretty common too, though.

dancelover1012 0

Wow.......yeah, FYL. One of my friends, her dad's getting remarried after her parents got divorced. Good luck with your new stepmom!

Actually, given the ol' rule of 1/2 her age + 7, she can't be your girlfriend, if she's 22: 22/2 = 11 11 + 7 = 18. The oldest girl allowed to date you is 20. Keep dreaming, though...

Thanks for that slightly sexist equation. Where does the 7 come from?

Your dad is a total stud and you'd better hope you age like him. Evidently, your mom is old and decrepit by now which is why your dad tossed her. You'd better hope you don't age like her. Does your dad's wife have a sister?

I'm actually wondering, after the phrasing of this FML, if his mother died and that's why his father remarried and didn't tell him right away. In which case he could probably still age like his mom and be okay.

If his mom died, then she did a really, really poor job of aging. If that is the case, he'd better pray doubly hard to be like his dad. I'm also thinking that maybe he is still a little too young to nail his dad's wife now, and his dad is still has the energy to satisfy her, but in a few years, the dad could slow down and the OP's age difference with the wife becomes less important, shit could start to happen. I'm just saying. . .

I don't think the woman married him for the sex. If a young woman marries an old man, it's not usually because she just loves ******* old men. It's the money.

It's probably both. 47 is not old, it is middle-aged. As a middle-aged man, I have a lot more control than I did when I was a young man. Instead of the embarrassment of premature ejaculation, I have to deal with a wife who figures that since she has "come" a few times that I need to finish so she can get to sleep. I hope you younger men don't underestimate the stiff competition we older guys can put up. We also usually have a helluva lot more money than you, too. I haven't gotten poorer as I've gotten older.

Wow, more misogyny from plexico? No way! *shock, gasp, amazed*

Misogyny? Hatred of women? Huh? Wha'?

je_vous_aime 0

It's possible that she's completely legit. I mean, even though my bf doesn't have any kids, I'm 19 and he's 36 so it would be possible for him to have kids that are as old as me if he had them really young. It's not creepy or weird if that's just what happens. I know that it must be strange to have a step-mom who could be your sister but I guess just try to be happy for your dad and don't think about it too much. good luck.

hecuva 0

LOL that's amazing, i'm 19 and my boyfriend is 36 aswell... it seems very common these days

wtf? that girl had a kid when she was 8!??!?!

Wow...just obviously didn't fully read the FML or you are that stupid.