By Cindy - 20/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has been dating my boyfriend's mom while I was away at college. They have gotten pretty serious, and are thinking about getting married. I might be dating my stepbrother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 925
You deserved it 7 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had him first, don't give up on him because of this!

Christy10 0

It's better that you guys have been going out before they got together. It would've been worse had you guys started going out after your parents If they do get married and people give you shit, blame it on your parents lol


That's not so bad. You can mess with your future kids without feeling ashamed or guilty.

you should run away with him and get nasties screw your parents

it's differant though. u guys WONT have wierd babies

Christy10 0

It's better that you guys have been going out before they got together. It would've been worse had you guys started going out after your parents If they do get married and people give you shit, blame it on your parents lol

You had him first, don't give up on him because of this!

lol well it's genetics that counts in my opinion - go for it anyway!!

When I was in 8th grade something similar happened. Two kids were going out and then the girl's father met the guy's mom and they ended up dating.

i agree with # 3 and 4 but dudde FYL for sure

.. Ooohhhh, sooooo Gossip Girl.. Give it a break, it's not like he's your brother.. you don't even have the same genetics .. And your this old, so it's not like you will from now on be raised as brother and sister.. It would be really sick if you had been raised as b&s and would now hook up.. That's sick gene's or not, if you are raised as b&s, this is a nono.. But that is not the case, so get over it ! ... Xoxo .. Gossip girl ; )

cherl 0