By Sophie - 17/02/2010 05:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
By LaurenB - 07/06/2012 18:12 - United States - Epping
Hole in one
By Anonymous - 24/04/2023 02:00 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh
Snap, crackle, and pop
By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 22:00
By iLikeMyLegs - 09/05/2013 23:18 - Canada - Oshawa
By A.J. - 13/04/2019 08:00 - United States
By caempa - 29/12/2010 18:13 - Australia
No pain, no gain
By Anonymous - 29/03/2023 04:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 22/11/2015 04:54
By EnderHorse - 05/11/2015 20:52 - United States - Cincinnati
By Toothy_Peg - 13/06/2009 15:13 - Australia
Top comments
that's disgusting D:
:) yucky:)
That's hawt.
You're turning into a zombie.
dead people tissue tastes like donuts did you notice?
I love donuts where can I get this tissue! hate to be you op
It's graft tissue that's strerilized and closes a joke that probably went into your sinus. the only other choice probably would have been to cut bone out of your own hip to fill the whole. you seriously would not have liked that option.
damn spellchecker. should have read 'hole' not 'joke'
lol did you say learnt? I think it's learned
Learnt is fine. Look it up, idiot.
ahhhh **** oral surguries. I would rather go through kidney problems agian then go through oral surgury again. I was allergic to the pain killers and puked my stitches out. fml not yours.
FYL for being Patient Zero of the zombie apocalypse. :)
"Learnt" is acceptable in some parts of the world. Maybe you should learn to spell "are" before attacking someone else's grammar.
well where r they gonna get it from,? a live person it's like yeah would you'll like to donate skin yes sure ok bite on this towel why ul no (towel grinds) aaaaaaaaaaaaah
skin grafts are very common, and the grafts are sterilized. if it's infected it's because your nasty ass didn't take care of a healing wound.
The infection isn't because of the graft. it's because the human mouth contains more bacteria than any other body area. Also, what does Zombie taste like? this will be vital information once the apocalypse hits.
I'll also have you know that they actually inject cadavers skin (aka corpse skin) into your face to smooth out wrinkles. NEVER GET FACE LIFTS, LADIES ;D
thats absoutley discusting...why the hell wouldnt they tell you u were gonna eed skin replaxement...and from a corpse!! id complain or something
**** nasty
The OP didn't have very good oral today.
I know right! That's nasty!
Why would you complain? She need a skin graft to complete her surgery. It was part of the procedure. They did everything exactly the way they were supposed to.
Fail for the people who decided to use a dead guys skin... Win for the dead guy! I guess he/she will be a part of this world long after their death... anyone for a game of Left 4 Dead?
If he's turning into a zombie let's pray he is a vegetarian :)
Not at bad as getting skin from your bun for your tongue so yogurt a hairy tongue f your luckyyy
Ewwwwwww ewwwwwwww ewwwwwwww
I puked...
it's perfectly normal !
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayso r u :P
lol that's funny
your hot.
Aussie Aussie Aussie! :D Also - you're turning into a zombie! the neck!
she is hot. and op no bodys making out with you in the near or far future
they see me trollin', they hatin'.
haha lmfoa!! nice
oi oi oi
who's picture?
your hot ^__^
Get over it.
# 112 I love your picture! what a cute cat! :)
you're hot
You have issues and need serious counseling! :)
Ewwww. That is horrifying.
hey think of it as constantly making out with a dead guy :D (Y) ill bet people will love that theyre making out of with two people at once ;)
lol wow, what a way to look at things XD.
A hole in the top of your mouth... don't suck so hard next time...
So just because it is gross, it's bad? what about all those people in WWII who- *goes into hourlong rant*. And that is why i'm afraid of bananas. see how you shouldn't judge people on apperance? did they manage that? I thought the flesh had to be living and from the person? otherwise it won't accept it? I know the whole organ transplant works, but isn't muscle and flesh different?
muscle is technically an organ along with skin so it's totally possible to use some from a dead body as long as it's kept right. OP, stuff doesn't get infected unless you didn't clean or treat it right. YDI
fake docs can't do skin transplants using anyone elses skin but yr own usually from yr bum cause it's basicly lard, skin and muscle. the sole reason y they don't do this is because of the extreamly high chance of the body rejecting the new tissue
you're saying learn to spell when you wrote "teh" WTF?
I think that, in the first phrase #19 was taking the p*ss out of #14...that's why his lack of spelling was through the roof.
yup I think he was...
I laughed out loud at this. Lard from your butt. HAHA
he said "teh" mockingly.
19 wins.
it was obviously intentional.. and it's *you're*

that's disgusting D:
A hole in the top of your mouth... don't suck so hard next time...