By galen - 03/06/2009 06:06 - United States

Today, I hooked up with a girl from the bar. We went back to my place and started making out, I took off her shirt and bra and started kissing her breasts. I felt her chest hair tickle my tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 004
You deserved it 27 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

Either she was a tranny, or you're really exaggerating. You do know that people have body hair, right? As in, the tiny, fuzzy kind? You'd probably better get over that pretty soon or you'll never have sex again.

I agree with 3 and 6. Hair is a natural part of being human. The girls are already expected to shave way more of their bodies than men have to be socially acceptable. I'm sick of hearing about how the hair on girls is disgusting. We shouldn't be rejected or made to go through ridiculously elaborate and time-consuming grooming routines because of it. It's *natural*. Get the **** over it.


trilliamme 0

I'm not sure I completely understand the FML you're trying to get across here. Are you implying that it was a guy, or just a particularly hairy girl? Because if it's the first one, then yeah, I can understand your FML. If this was just a hairy girl (meaning, more than the peach fuzz that's everywhere on our bodies), eh, whatever floats her boat. You still got some, am I right? No FML!


LOL AT #27 What a ******* noob

readblink 1

I don't see a problem here everyone has hair I don't expect women to shave for me hairs just fine it's natural so stop over reacting you little twat.

#89 you are my hero!! @ morons - obviously all humans have body hair, the OP was referring to thick body hair like a guy would. I have encountered girls who have this condition (yes they were girls not trannys, I check ; P ) so I know first hand (lol) that this is possible. It's cool if a girl wants to let her hair grow out and be "natural" - just don't expect everyone to be okay with it. Just like anyone can go and get their entire body covered in tattoos, lots of people will think that is awesome, and just as many will be repulsed. sooo.....

I don't think this is really an FML for many of the reasons stated above And yes, #12 and #27, you're both incredibly retarded

LuxLisbon_fml 0

Hmm, I'm torn on this one. Everyone saying it's gross, or that the OP has low standards, etc. is pretty immature. Most girls have at least some hair there. Have you considered the posibility that the girl hadn't been expecting to have sex that night, thus hadn't thought to epilate? However, I disagree that women are expected to remove body hair simply because of some evil sexist pact made by 'Society'. Yeah, the notion is perpetuated by advertising and such, but that's only because they know it appeals. And the reason it appeals is that hirsutism is a sign of high levels of testosterone, so hairless women=more fertile-looking=more sexually attractive. Mother Nature is a bitch, but you can't blame 'society' for everything.

@79 while I disagree with your opinion, you make a point that everyone is entitled to their own preferences. I mean, we all say "to each his own" when people have bizarre fetishes, but then jump all over someone because they prefer a woman without a little extra hair? I prefer my husband to shave his face everyday and to keep his nether-regions groomed (not bald, I find that creepy), and he prefers for me to shave from the waist down on a regular basis, so I'm not going to hate on someone for simply liking/disliking something. That being said - 10 and 15 are right on about the societal double standards. Unless the OP shaves HIS chest hair every day (provided he's even old enough to have any), he really can't complain. It does go the other way - as much as some men prefer for women to shave, some women prefer some men to as well, and it's frustrating that only the women are actually expected to comply. Sidenote: I don't know about other women, but I would probably NEVER shave my chest even if I had hair there (beyond the normal peach fuzz :-P). The OP is probably exaggerating anyway, but there are just some places you DON'T shave, or even put weird, skin-irritating creams on.

Turnip_Girl 0



#115 sounds like a nasty gorilla woman